Hello c'est Jo!
We love artists, even adults, I've had to do it to many foals.
On adore les artistes, même les adultes, j'ai eu a en faire à beaucoup de poulains.
I love I am doing, it is more passion than anything else what I am doing and learning eveyhting with friends
j'adore, j'ai appris tout ça tout seul avec des amis
Checkez nos dernière publications
Gift: cadeau de @jnmarteau for Caro @hivebelgium.
Next we will try to raise rewards to make a small version of the roundtable for Hive organizers based on our creation made for hivebelgium to offer one to each meetup organize
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vas y mon chou, spend your downotes to me. It is like you rape me without consent.
@spaminator again, again
@spaminator again, it is soo good
@spaminator again, I love da
Hivewachers and chittaah you are abusing people
@solymi is one of your agent? he contact many people lil like harassement
I should not post directly seems I dont have pictures on my post ^^