I feel you, I encourage anyone who wants to get into Cryptos to first start trading their time for it! Blog, use dapps and earn a bit so you have coins to mess around and understand a wallet before you go buying anything
I think it’s good practice, the knowledge you pick up is worth more than the coins you earn! I mean I’ve been using hive since 2016 never sold a token I jusy like to mess around with it my BTC that’s another story but tokens that’s for fub
I think you picked a great place to come and learn and if you have questions drop me a DM or a comment I’m happy to help
Oh there’s more than enough space for both there’s still a lot of internet users still to be born as more countries come online in greater ways especially in africa where I’m at
I do think goog needs competition, it’s the only way to keep a company lean and honest is to let them know if they don’t act right someone will take their lunch
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