The End Of Season: What Are My Rewards?

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Another season ends and you know what that means, right? Yeah, it’s time to open those accumulated chests and collect some loots.

Last season, I was able to accumulate sixty-one chests. It’s quite a lot, yes, but I could have gotten more if I didn’t slack off a bit at the start of the previous season. The only reason I even got over sixty chests was because I worked my ass off near the end of the season.

As every player knew by now, a lot of strong accounts love to do last minute grinding to accumulate more chests before the season ends. Which mean that I got my assed kicked left and right because I decided to compete with them. Silly me…

EOS Rewards.PNG

Anyway, last minute grinding aside, the end of the season rewards gave me a ton of cards worth $0.335. The list of cards is as follows:

• Ever-Hungry Skull x6 = $.0.060
• Pelacor Bandit x3 = $0.033
• Vampire Bat x3 = $0.027
• Pelacor Conjurer x2 = $0.020
• Pelacor Deceiver x 2 = $0.016
• Blood Maker x1 = $0.010
• Pelacor Mercenary x1 = $0.010
• Merdhampir x1 = $0.010
• Gargoya Lion x1 = $0.009
• Venari Heatsmith x1 = $0.008
• Gargoya Devil x2 = $0.0.048
• Dhampir Infiltrator x1 = $0.0.039
• Venari Seedsmith x1 = $0.0.023
• Venari Bonesmith x1 = $0.0.023

Then seventeen chests gave me potions worth $1.012

• Alchemy Potion Charges x17
• Legendary Potion Charges x15

Meanwhile thirteen out of sixty-one chests contained 1.331 SPS that’s worth $0.074. Lastly, five chests have Merits in them which are worth $0.060. In total, my end of season reward has a total value of $1.481.

Looking at my rewards, I could say that this time’s end of season rewards is lackluster. Yeah, it’s not that good. There are no Chaos Legion card packs, no legendary cards, and not even a single epic card. Although there are a lot of cards, their total value pales in comparison to the potions. Such a shame.

From the look of things my luck isn’t that good this time around. I guess I could only try again next season. Hopefully, things would turn out better next time.

Anyway, that’s all I have for now. Thanks again for reading.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You did put in a lot of work for the 61 chests, good luck with the new season. Hopefully Legendary, packs come your way

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you very much!

Yeah, I hope the next end of the season would give better rewards.