End of Season Rewards: What Did I Get?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

It’s finally the end of the season, time to open those sixty-one EOS chests that I’ve been itching to open for so long.

What did I get?
Take a look.


So as one can see, I managed to pull 12 cards this time around. Unfortunately, ten of them are just common cards while two are rare cards. Fairly average as card goes. I was actually hoping for some epic or legendary cards but no luck.

Eight of the EOS contained merits, about 118 merits in total. In term of potions, I have 24 alchemy potion charges, and 24 legendary potion charges which is quite a lot.

Lastly, the DEC. My luck was quite good this time around as I was able to pull 7000 DEC in one of the chests. Adding the other chests that contained DEC, I managed to get a total of 7464 DEC.

Not bad.

The total value of my EOS earnings is $5.779 though $1.241 is from the potions that I’ve pulled.

It’s still decent though so it wasn’t too bad especially since I’m playing in the silver league.

Anyway, that’s all for my EOS earnings. Hopefully, your luck is better than mine.

Thanks for reading.

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