
I've had a lot of success generating interest at substack. They are all writers and want to write and are also used to short form. Many are web3 friendly

my thoughts are generally with tweeters. I feel like threads are the selling point over here.

Sure but being interested in both and having a hard time monetizing is a sure fire way to get someone onboard Leo. We have it all. Also long form pays better over time.

X algorithms hate everything we share. Spaces are good though if people from Leo actually talk in them!

are talking where all the extremists ran to after the election.
Yeah those folks will never become web3.
They have been anti web3 for years and years.

just like the other time the extremists on the other side went to parlour. My friend found parlour and was broke as fuck and then the idiots made him rich.

I know some tech-friendly people who are there, but most are political refugees that are or were, until very lately, staunchly anti-crypto for rigid ideological/tribalistic reasons.