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RE: One key detail that changed my mind about Bitcoin

in LeoFinance3 years ago

It's really easy to overestimate one's knowledge about these matters because it requires deep understanding of monetary networks and computer networks – both of which are by no means simple matters! But it's basically the synthesis of these two that have led me to a conclusion that bitcoin is the best candidate for a new global monetary base layer.

And this conclusion is even harder to arrive at, because there's a lot of misinformation about bitcoin itself, but also, the fundamentals of economics as portrayed today are not very solid, imo. It requires an Austrian school perspective – which is rare these days – to understand how bitcoin could work as money.

Bitcoin Standard is probably the best source and easy to read book to have a complete understanding on all this, but even after that it took me another book and dozens of hours of podcasts before it really clicked.

You have a gift for explaining things in clear and straightforward language!

Thank you! I'm glad you got something out of it :)