Brush to bit wu twitter today, see to share experience, ordinary people into the encrypted industry how to make money.
Making money is all adult topics of common interest, after all, this is the only men, women and children all over the world like.
Encryption is a bear market, now every currency fell mama don't know, make money effect is poor, but for cycle investors, this is an excellent entry timing.
First of all, we want to know, any encryption industry to make money is to earn bonuses, is the industry development opportunities, few counter-cyclical and earn big money.
Next we want to know, why didn't the majority of people in the circle of encryption to make money, why? This at that time had big v summed up the, contracts, shanzhai, dogs, chase after go up kill drop, again wrong treasure, the bull market to buy junk.
For many reasons, the key points. Bull market each and freak out, but the real experience of callable bull/bear contracts cycle knows that this industry is a cognitive cash, human nature again and again, keep learning, industry control desire, so would improve themselves in a bear market.
Bit wu said the key points, from think for beginners, old leek leaves. 1 base is serious, the BTC. Eth white paper as well as many projects,
Secondly establish quality information flow, there needs to be repeated thinking about learning, provenance, knowledge, and their generalizations.
Also personally end practice, experiences and lessons from the others just someone else's, only personally tried to have their own feelings, to have their own understanding.
Fourth is checking, summary, understanding of the project of chengdu, every investment profit and loss, of the project evaluation and their own ideas and investment planning, the road is a step by step.
The fifth set up their own trading system, principles, set their own investment model, and their own preferences, grab a piece of deep grinding and mining.
Finally is the sublimation of investment, any investment at the end of the play, the competition is not the ability to see projects, not best market analysis ability, the struggle is the human nature, is their cognitive depth and the control of human nature.
Big cycle is coming, all sorts of becoming, buying up everything, but remember, this is not our natural master of investment, more is not our ability to analyze market high and low, but cycle bonus.
To be in a bull market earn, not deficient in bear market, do a successful investors, the baptism of a bear market is indispensable, so we should know what a bear market mainly.
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