The Fed Plans to Rug-pull the Boomers

in LeoFinance2 months ago


Social inSecurity was designed as a giant ponzi scheme. Meaning, it was designed to collapse.

When Generation X was not as big as the Boomer generation, right then and there we should have redesigned Social inSecurity. That we didn't means that at minimum we swept it under the rug, kicked the can down the road, but a more likely explanation is that this was designed to wipe out the biggest generation's wealth just as they were retiring.

And you can go further, linking the start of the Fed with inevitable collapse of the monetary system. The one leads to the other. It was planned. Of course the banksters were all for it. While it is working the banksters can print money, and the average Joe will pin the blame on those "greedy capitalists" for the inflation that they caused.

So, i am stating that the plan was and is to steal all the boomer's wealth. The boomers are going to wake up one day and find all of the stock they had in their IRA / 401k, is suddenly no theirs. Like, the stock market is found to be corrupt, so all ownership defaults to Cede and Co. All the money in bank accounts is suddenly "not there". And the housing market collapses, just as boomer would sell to downsize.

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Banksters are more evil then you think!

Banksters hate that the masses have any money. A weird statement, since to have a bank work, you need the masses constantly moving money. But, the banksters hate that the lowly peasants have any money to invest. They set all kinds of regulations to keep the average person out of all the good investments. You can only put the stock into a retirement account after it is has lost all earnings potential.

You would think that the banksters would understand that in order to play the game of monopoly, that you must have other players. But, they despise that. They hate the thought of not winning. They hate the thought of someone else winning even more. And, they never acknowledge that once a person achieves monopoly, the game is over, and all the pieces go back into the box.

Banksters believe they are entitled to shift the course of things by using the money they created out of nothing to buy influence. The Banksters believe that it is ok to start wars, even world wars, because it is good for the bottom line. They finally get to the point where they believe they can buy up EVERYTHING and rent it back to the people.

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Social inSecurity cannot continue

What everyone knows, except the boomers, is that social security will crash before they get to retire.

When it was started, there were more than 20 people paying for the retirement of 1 person.

Gen Z will be paying in, while the boomers make more on their retirement then they do at their jobs.

Soon, we will have to work out how one person can pay for the retirement of another person, and still live themselves.

But, before that, we will have the financial system collapse, and Social inSecurity destroyed along with it, or we will have a workers' revolt. Where the average person tells the Infernal Revolting Syndicate that we aren't paying no more.

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The banksters planned this.

The Fed has very little power to change the rates on loans. But, they do through all the banks agreeing to doing their bidding. The Fed could lower interest rates, and the real rates on those bonds goes up instead.

If you look at points in history where we have had busts, you can see that the Fed did everything, almost perfectly to end up in a bust. Economists like to point at this, and say no one has a crystal ball. It just happened, no one could predict that this would happen.

Except there are people that shout out to the world that crashes are coming. But, the Cramers of the world say that you should bet on the bull will keep going up. And so few hear about the crash, and most don't see it coming.

But, how can you do the exact wrong thing every time? Coincidence has its limits.

The banksters plan the busts.
The banksters plan the world wars.
The banksters plan the televised movements.

And the banksters have planned to take all of the Bommers' wealth.

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We will get through this. We will figure out a new way to handle retirement.

Maybe by having a lot of people die to a mysterious virus, that there is a mysterious VAXXXine developed for it, really darn quick.

But really, people will work out how to handle retirement for the elderly. Probably step one is to take the house from the banksters, and give it to the elderly that lives in it. With no rent or mortgage, the retired can live on much less. Removing property tax, and you can have a retired person live on almost nothing.

And the big problem with banksters doing what they are doing is that after people lose everything, they lose it. If the populous can't have houses, then the agreement with the banksters becomes null and void. The banksters may have nothing, as they used deceit to get it.

And when more people realize that the banksters planned all of this, they will be hunted down. To the ends of the earth, where the vermin will be left hanging on lampposts.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


And of course, all that worry goes out the window when We have free energy flowing. Then, We all can live as richly as We choose without worry of how to afford it. And the psychopaths in control now will lose Their tool to widespread influence.

Those psychopaths that planned the ponzi scheme.

80% of Us Merely Move Money (article):

"...when more people realize that the banksters planned all of this, they will be hunted down."

Hopefully there will be justice. I'd prefer to work my way down from the banksters to the karens snitching on Pnut the Squirrel, so that if I get tired of delivering just desserts, I'll be leaving small fry alive, and not the big wheels.
