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RE: Three Peaks to Rule them ALL!

in LeoFinance5 months ago

And then you add in, to our three peaks, that there was a lot of manipulation at that last peak.
Dumping all the Mt. Gox bitcoin to break the back of the bull.

So, we don't really have three peaks, or two points. We have a mess. A lot of messed up data.

I would like to sell high and buy low, but i am more afraid the bottom is going to fall out from under stable coins. Any minute, those things will be shown to be frauds. You literally cannot have that much cash sitting there.

My best guess at the price of bitcoin will be "how much of the previous financial system can get through the door into bitcoin, before the door is slammed shut"

Then, we divide that number by the amount of bitcoin that moves, and viola, price target.

Of course, bitcoin is going to become so valuable, that people will celebrate when their kids achieve their first full satoshi.


Thanks for mentioning this!

What I forgot to say in addition to this is that the 2021 run was also hugely affected by shutting down the entire world economy, and it was even more affected in the bear market via the proxy war/sanctions with Russia, 3AC, UST, and FTX. Using the last cycle as a data point is beyond acceptable.