Like Malls Are Drying Up, So Too Are Other City Real Estate

in LeoFinance2 months ago


Malls, in so many cities, are dead.

If they still exists, their major stores are WallyMart and Targetté.

So too, are the commercial building becoming vacant.

People are working from home, and refusing to come back to the office. And large office buildings are now being sold for dimes on the dollar. Soon it will be pennies on the dollar.

But, the thing that will crash the most is suburban McMansions

White Flight and Brain Drain are real things.
But, those will be small things in what is coming

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The Real Estate Market… gone

The real estate market is going to collapse, fall over, burn to the ground, then turn to dust.

The real estate market has been kept high by several things.

  • Mortgages - money printed out of thin air, and never marked to market. So, price can always go up.
  • Limited supply - cities have made sure you can't build small, inexpensive houses, in number to cover new people
  • Growing population - The baby boomers had kids, and more kids.
  • Property tax - sucking up all that house price inflation.

And, all of these are about to go away.

What is worse, is that the population isn't going to go down slowly, a lot of things are going to stack up to make the populations smaller quickly.

Even worser, is that AI is going to replace so many of those businesses in what is left of the commercial building rentals. Don't mention that blockchain is going to replace the other half of those businesses.

Basically, in cities, jobs decrease, crime increases, stores decrease, people decrease, amenities decrease; basically, everything that keeps cities together just vanishes.

The real estate market will basically be, two house owners trying to get the cash from one prospective buyer. (no mortgages) The prospective buyers will drop to zero as they find that houses are just sitting empty with no owner (except the state and Black Rock, but we can ignore those)

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On the road there

Commercial real estate, that has been left empty, will try to convert the space to high end condos/apartments. The buildings were never meant for this, so they will be a pain to modify, but try they will, because the other option is just abandoning the building.

So, rental quantities will go up. (unless T.H.E.Y. burn them down with space lasers) and so, the artificial limits they have tried to keep, will suddenly go away. Imagine rentals going from, "oh, we have a waiting list" to "we offer two free months if you sign a lease(we are here now)" to "we have drastically cut rates, and can get you in today"

While this is happening, we will see more crime. And if neo-Liberal cities do not change their ways, we will see many stores closing because of theft. Well, stores are already closing because of poor sales. But i mean that CVS will stop having an open door to the public. We will see stores that are concrete block buildings with a bullet proof kiosk for ordering and a one way door to push out your purchases.

Further fuel to the fire is that neo-Liberal govern-cement will start implementing rent-controls, and other things that make rental houses impossible to sell, except at a HUGE LOSS.

As this happens, less people will want to live in, or near, these cities.

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add the deaths…

  • Baby boomers are going to be leaving their houses, either for assisted living, or to a mortuary plot. That is 25% of the houses being put on the market.

  • The VAXXX deaths are still rising. The VAXXX has caused so many problems in health that it is surprisingly not the only thing discussed on the news. (that they aren't, is because they want to keep it burried) People who have taken the VAXXX are not getting better. The body does not clear it out. (We will have cleanse processes here soon)

  • Wars, unCivil and otherwise. Trump is sending the illegal migrants packing. Yeah, right. A great many of them are military age, and trained, men. (This includes Chinese military men) They are here for one reason, and that is to cause mayhem. It will get bloody. And there will be a RUN for the border.

  • The next virus and VAXXX are already being planned and implemented. In this one, the virus may actually be deadly.

  • Natural disasters. South Carolina and Los Angeles are not random events. There will be more, a lot more. Things like the Mississippi washing out most of the bridges. Separating America. More Fires. Even possibly volcanoes.

What this means is that there will be a lot less demand for rentals/houses. Many houses will just be vacant because no one has checked on the owner since they passed. There won't be enough people to buy up all the houses that will be vacant.

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People who are actually seeing the writing on the wall are leaving.

A great many of these are finding that there is no safe cities to run to. They are seeing that the way of the future is living, off-grid, on a homestead.

We are at the start of the Great Migration. Where people will move to be with their "family". To be with people of similar thoughts and beliefs, for mutual support and growth.

We will soon see small community sized, non-polluting, power generation, and this will make it easy to set up the homestead wherever there is good property. No reliance on road networks, water ways, or the electric grid.

Those people who are the sort to get things done. The ones who have brains and skills. They are going to be leaving the cities. And the cities are going to collapse because they no longer have the brain-power to continue. Brain Drain.

This is the only property (Not real estate, it will no longer be the king's estate) i would suggest investing in.

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From here on out, real estate investing will be an ever increasing pit. If you have rental properties in a blue city, sell it. Yesterday. In a red city, you still have a little while to get out.

Commercial real estate, they will try to save it, at a loss. And then they will find it all a loss. Industrial buildings, in the right areas, may continue to be viable. But, in blue states where the govern-cement seems to hate business, they will slowly die, as everything that supported them dies too.

Smart, and rich people, will be leaving, and taking their money and know-how. What will be left is the dregs of society.

Real estate will never be an asset again. In fact, the entire idea of "Real Estate", the king's estate, will be gone. The govern-cement will not be allowed any control over these small communities area of operation. Things will no longer be top down. They will more likely be bottom up. The power has always come from the people, now they will institute controls to turn off the power to those above. It will no longer be voting, it will be, if we like you, we will support you, to get the things we want done, done.

And so, "Real Estate" dies. And the market of selling it to each generation for more than the last will be gone.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


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