Is This Really A Holiday Season?

in LeoFinance3 months ago


People i talk to mutter about how Christmas has become so commercialized.

That people are tired of this buy, buy, buy mentality. But, it is all they are programmed with. And many people do not know how to get out of it. Their families don't even get together for meals.

The interesting thing is, in the rush for commercialization, and getting people into more and more debt, retail has killed itself.

So, as retail dies, will we see holidays become more holiday-ish? Will we see a return to a more festive time and a less commercialized one?

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(commercial) Christmas Comes To an End

I am pretty sure that after Christmas, the news will tell us that this was the worst Christmas season ever. Meaning, that not enough people bought enough cheap Chinese toys, to keep retail in business.

But, we do not have to wait for those reports, we can already see it. Party City filed for bankruptcy again, and just fired, like everyone the day it was announced. And so many other stores are also shutting down, or closing stores. Even the 99¢ store is closing stores. What? The cheapest of the cheap is still not making enough sales?

People are really hurting. Inflation has put more and more of their money towards groceries. From a retail point of view, Christmas has come to an end.

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Kicking the can until there is too much debt

The way retail has worked for so long is by selling the future. Get people to put it on their credit cards. Which means, that the stores get the money now, at a cost that will be paid in the future. But, putting it on the CC has become so normalized, and has gone on for so long, there most people, and seemingly, most retail thought that this was just the way things went.

We were running under the assumption that this could just go on forever. Many people could see what was coming, and many tried to warn people. But no one wanted to stop the party.

However, there is only so much road you can kick the can down. And it looks like we have killed the party by taking a year off form work. And that spiralled into inflation of goods, and instead of getting production back, the Fed decided to raise rates, which brought the CC party to a halt.

Now, retail is paying for it. The bill has come due. The party is over.

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This was a bankster plan

The banksters knew this was coming, and seemingly enjoyed it. Now, instead of going to a store and buying things with cash (all not very traceable) people will be forced to buy things online with a debit card issued on a bank, with a customer's address on file.

So, you might say, the banksters killed the retail industry. And, if you remember, these same banksters got American CEOs to move their manufacturing, first to Mexico, and later to China.

The banksters are building all kinds of structures to enslave mankind more firmly. All they need is a digital currency that allows them to monitor every transaction and then, they can veto any purchase, or withhold it until the "proper" behavior is exhibited by the slave.

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It all comes crashing down

The banksters believe they can keep all the humans constrained in the cities (which was their plan), but people are realizing that these cities are not the best place to be, AND all the amenities they loved, are gone. Closed down.

The banksters believe they can get all the people to buy into their CBDCs, because they have trained everyone on CCs. Not realizing that they have destroyed CCs, and people are moving away from that lifestyle. (many are moving away because they have been burnt out from too much commercialism / consumerism)

The banksters believe that they can coral people into their 15 minute cities, while technology AND spirituality are growing to allow escape by anyone searching for it.

The banksters will be shocked as everyone walks away from their dystopian world.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


As long as there is accounting for the energy We each add into a system, the motive to make the most with the least input will prevail. Commercialization in some form will be promoted.

Once We end such accounting and are all living as richly as We choose, We will earn Our fame in the quality of what We output, Our reputation, Our lauds...