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RE: Don't Panic

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

$5 says Ignite Visibility will make a list of people they could target from their research that will be eerily similar to Nathans approach.

The difference is they'll ask for another 250k-400k + a fund for their targeted brand ambassadors.

Level 2 Digital Marketing at its finest. Who knows why it has to be this way?


Wouldn't be nice to put this money into community and empower community driven marketing.

Even the unicorn companies like AirBnb, Uber and Coinbase have found a way to replace marketing with referral programmes and use customer's social capital and word of mouth as their top marketing strategy. They put the money in developing a quality product.

I'm taking few days off Twitter and try to rewrite the proposal to better explain the vision of community driven marketing.

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