Hive Makes Content Creating Worth It

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Enough with all the reasons I have been absent lately, I think its better I focus on making contents rather than emphasising on being consistent. This way I dont feel too much pressure being put on me by me. Now lets focus on the real matter of the day. Thanks for stopping by and reading my post.

My crypto learning journey has been going so great, I found out that lately I spent more time learning more about crypto rather than writing about it, so let me try and put some of those thoughts in writing.well, for a start I spent the rest of my week wishing that I had spent some time growing a level of influence on twitter. Because, twitter influencers are really making money real good from twitter. As ads revenue is being shared amongst content creators, which is pretty nice. But while dwelling and over thinking about how I could have been a twitter influencers, I kind of snapped out of it that its better I focus that energy on building my account here on Hive, I might not be making as much money as the twitter influencers, but looking at my little hive progress, I am pretty impress with Hive. First to be eligible for the twitter ads revenue sharing, you need to have at least 500 followers. But look at the Hive environment, I started making money here with almost 0 followers. I didn’t have much followers, I think I had about just three followers, and I still ask myself why those three followers followed me because I am still new in the Hive space. After having over 500 followers to be eligible for twitter payment, you need to have a certain amount of impressions before you can start getting paid. Getting such impression means that you have to have active followers who engage with your contents and drives traffic to your content. This way when ads are being advertised around your content, people can see them and these advertisers can get the value they paid for.
For me to have followers who will engage with my content so much that my impressions will be high enough to get me paid by twitter, I need to build a level of twitter influence and that will take me so much time. Most influencers enjoying this benefit now are doing so because they built their influencer over time, dedicated their time and resources and most importantly built it based on passion. Because, the time they were building this influence, twitter wasn’t paying them, but they were relying on paid gigs and sponsored ads, where they get to promote and advertise for brands for payment. But now, they get paid for creating content because their followers engage on their content. Pretty impressive, I must say. Lastly, to be eligible you have to have subscribed to twitter blue verification badge which cost about $8. On Hive I didn’t go through all these before getting paid, all people had to do was curate (upvote) my post and in less than a month I have made over $20. Mind you, this is a bear market, I heard that in a bull market it could be more. But you get my point right? Hive makes earning through content creating far more easier than twitter and the best part of all this is that, it is not as popular or utilised as twitter. Imagine how much you could earn when it gets to that level.

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