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RE: UNOFFICIAL WINNERS LIST FOR #HivePUD (Hive Power Up Day) July 1st, 2021

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Also on the 5th, I plan to do a review of all the stats from the past 12 months of Power Up Day since I took over from @streetstyle. I think it will be interesting to see how the numbers have turned out over the year (and I think @taskmaster4450 and @hivecoffee will be interested in seeing them). Who knows, I might even try a fancy graph or two! But in the meantime, thanks again to everyone for making this #HivePUD monthly event such an amazing success! I'm so proud to be a member of this wicked awesomesauce community!
bring it on

To break it all down, we had 67 qualifying entries for the prize pool (weirdly the exact same as June) with 123 total entries (compared to 128 last month) and 137 posts with either the #HivePUD or #HPUD tags on the first (again, the same amount as last month).

As for the overall number, the power ups ranged from 1 to 7007 Hive Power, for a grand total of...

40,116.24 Hive Powered Up!

By comparison, the total in June was 26,780. So even with essentially the same amount of people participating, the total was up by 13,336! I'd say that's...

Hivepud is a new leg in hive everybody knows that this is something that is normal to do and a nesseccary blog on the forst. Happy I was there aswell when streetstyle left and congrats on your 12 months in and looking forward to the graphics Tomorrow and the extra prizes.

And happy 4th