I take a 50sat flat fee and 0.5% right now so while there is a minimum of 133sats it's realistic to use it for 2000 sats and above which is a little over $1 USD right now. I just sent you 5 HBD to give it a try. That should be good for up to 7000 sats.
Hey Brian!
Here in the Chivo app our invoice is accessible only through a QR code. Is it possible for the https://lnd.v4v.app/ on desktop to recognize that QR, or the whole process must be done on a phone?
The QR code just contains a block of text d which looks like this:
There's usually a button to copy the invoice as text.
Allright! That button doesn't exist in "Chivo" (not sure why), another LN user suggested I use qrdroid to extract the block of text. Am gonna do that when my daughter will give me access to the phone, lol.
That seems weird and just the kind of annoying thing you can expect from a government product! Any other Lightning wallet like Breez will give you that. I wonder how easy it is moving from Chivo to other wallets.
True! My hope is that with time passing by, we'll get to know some people inside the "Chivo" company and promote UI and UX changes.
As far as I know, the main barrier to move from Chivo to other LN wallets is the self-custody one, and perhaps the fact that in some other wallets doesn't appear (or not easily) an automatic conversion of the sats to USD, nor a pre-established link with a national bank account.
Hey Brian! I've converted the QR code and pasted it in the browser window of https://lnd.v4v.app/, but once I've done it and pressed "enter" on my keyboard, nothing happens - it seems the app doesn't recognize that I've introduced the invoice.
I include a screenshot.
Once you press enter or tab it should offer the choice of HBD or Hive and when you click the amount ask to use Hive Keychain or Hivesigner.
Just look a bit lower than your screenshot is showing me.
Yeeeah, it says the transaction has been performed successfully!! I sent 1.9 HIVE.
I'm logging in a meeting right now, and will feedback within 2 hours about if it shows or not in my Chivo 😃.