As means to add value to HIVE we have provided some liquidity on Uniswap for people interested in trading this pair. Please point a disappointed HUNT bag holder to Uniswap where they can now easily swap their HUNT for HIVE. It appears the HUNT-ETH pair is fairly active with HUNT getting dumped for Ethereum, so why not capture some of that value directly on HIVE?
If you don’t know how to use Uniswap, you will be able to find each respective coin on Uniswap by searching their contract addresses listed below.
WHIVE contract address:
HUNT contract address:
That's an amazing initiative ...and a great idea to transfer HUNT sale realizations to HIVE! It will also save some steps and gas to convert ETH to HIVE by directly converting HUNT to HIVE.
Thank you!
Luckily I dumped HUNT a long time ago.
Posted Using LeoFinance
Point any bag holders in the right directions to dump directly for HIVE.
Posted Using LeoFinance