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RE: The biggest risk to our wealth

in LeoFinance3 years ago

People are weird about risk. A non-financial example in my own life is a certain family member of mine, who worries a lot about all the mountain climbing I do. I try and tell this person that climbing is actually one of the least risky things I do, because I'm experienced and in control. It's scenarios where I lack complete control that are truly risky, such as driving on the highway (other drivers could err and cause an accident) or getting stopped by law enforcement (police brutality is an epidemic in America). And as far as financial risk goes, I've told quite a few people about investment opportunities in crypto with insane APYs and it's like I'm talking to a mannequin in a store. I guess they prefer traditional banks with 0.5% APYs and draconian limits on what you're allowed to do with your own money.


(police brutality is an epidemic in America).

There is a long history of condoning it, so I suspect it isn't going to change soon unfortunately.

it's like I'm talking to a mannequin in a store.

I know that look!