
Without a doubt. The ultimate contrarian indicator.

What a guy...he's been wrong so many times that he has now become sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy himself and I'm sure people are now actually selling cos of what he said.

He is now a crypto influencer but probably not in a way he imagined.

LOL without a doubt. He is a blowhole which is why he makes so much money. He is entertainment, something good for CNBC. As an analyst, he sucks like most of them (granted it is not easy to forecast price moves).

Yeah, indeed. Have to give the guy some credit for admitting he was wrong, many will go down kicking and screaming and holding on to their original point.

Well Cramer does tend to hold onto positions (views) about companies after they long reversed course.

Whatever the situation, he isnt worth listening to other than entertainment value.

I guess so and entertainment is what he has brought so guess we should be grateful after all 😅

Poor Jim. I'm surprised he still has a show. I haven't heard anyone say anything but negative stuff about him since 2008. Do people just hate watch him or sumthin?

Yeah, the guy got it wrong so often with BTC that he probably got tired of being laughed at and turned. I wish him all the best! There's nothing wrong in saying I was wrong.