

Some people in the world sure can come up with some deep words. I read this quote and of course thought about people on Hive. Then I thought about the 1 percent.


And how it all fits. Things you need to do in life to be a success. Why you will end up ahead of others. Why there are whales on Hive and still people struggling to become dolphins.


You have to find what you love and go after it. And if you are stuck doing something you don't love in life, then either change it if you can or force yourself to do you best like you do love it.


Find where you are weak in what ever you do and build it until it becomes one of your strenght. It may take a lot of self reflection but it is worth it.


Keep at it, day in and day out. It is so easy to be better than others when you are doing something you are excited about. If you loose your excitement you have two choices.


Find something else or find out why you lost your excitement and fix it. But don't stop pursing while you figure it out.


And yes, there is nothing wrong with having an added advantage over others. It just means you are more dedicated to what you want out of life.


You want to look after yourself and your family more than others. And that my friends is a good thing.


If you liked this please visit the orginal post of mine.

end of storm.

Great advice mate, I loved 4.

If you think you're stuck, you can change something you hate in some way shape or form.

Even if it's just a mindset thing how you approach your situation.

There's always a way.

thanks so much 🙏


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