That is one of the pieces of advice that I always give new users when they are on here. I am a big fan of asking questions in your comments. I actually think I wrote a post about it a long long long time ago. It was called Crafting a Perfect Comment or something like that. I think asking a question was my number one piece of advice. Great stuff here. I hope people read this and take it to heart.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Questions are very powerful.
They not only stimulate engagement, they also allow people to exhibit their knowledge which people like to do.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Isn't it funny how they do enjoy that? :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Human nature. We all want to be seen for the value we can bring to the table.
So if we stroke people's ego, maybe the comments will jump. LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I feel like that is me 90% of the time!