I just had to call the bank again this morning because I was looking to purchase some ETH on my credit card. It got flagged as fraud, just like it did on Monday. I had a nice talk with the service agent and her suggestion was to call in before I make my next purchase so they can remove the fraud alert. Really? I need to call before I can spend my money? What if ETH drops to $400 at 11:00 on a Saturday night. Is anyone going to be there when I call in? I really wish I had a bigger back so I could do all of these transactions without having to deal with Fiat.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Unfortunately, you being in crypto is the wolf in the henhouse.
Crypto will ultimately put a hurting on the banking system and they know it. They are doing all they can to make life difficult.
This is why I believe getting rewarded in crypto is so vital. Have people growing their stake without having to use fiat.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is another good point. Hopefully one day all of these rewards I am getting will actually be able to work for me :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It all feeds in. Keep accumulating, staking, and being active.
Over time, I think people start to grasp how much if an impact compounding can be.
It is vital to look at this stuff over a 3-5 year period to see the real changes.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, I have been on Hive/Steem about three years now and I really thought my account would be bigger than it is at this point. It is nothing to complain about, but not what I expected. That doesn't mean I plan on stopping.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta