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RE: The Leofinance 12K Comment Push

Great initiative. One of the challenges I see is that once a few hours pass from the time a post was published, it becomes hard to get engagement. Will the author or anyone else pay attention to your comment? It seems to me like the vast majority of new posts are alive for some hours and then they becomes mostly dead. Whereas on other platforms, if there is an interesting new post, then engagement on it can continue for multiple days, months even, with people going back and forth in comments. We have only sometimes been able to achieve this on Hive, whereas it is far more standard on other social media platforms. If we can have authentic quality discussions in the comment sections, lasting for multiple days and getting replies and upvotes, I think we may do far better than churning out large numbers of posts that have a life-span of a few hours.

I also think some frontend changes have to be made to help facilitate such engagement. For example, it is standard to have only the first (root) comment show, and then all replies under it to be hidden and expandable. This way a user can see what kind of discussions there are at a glance and expand the ones they are interested in. Notifications that you received a reply/upvote are also needed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The answer to your question is some will, most will not.

It is a problem when authors do not go back and look at their comments. There is even a comment button on Leofinance where one can scroll through the comments and see if someone else answered.

How many use this tool?

That said, we can only keep pushing so people will pay attention.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Perhaps one thing we can do is to ask authors how much they are engaging back with the commenters on their posts, and what would help them in increasing their engagement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not sure we need to ask. Simply look at their posts.

Those who engage quickly become obvious, those who do not, well that is evident too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm up for frontend improvements like this on LeoFinance! I'm in the process of getting these improvements sorted so we can decide which will have the greatest impact on the project. Will create a post when I have more details.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Awesome to hear! Really looking forward to it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta