Maybe I'm a Leo - All Hive members should know this

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I am still under the impression of reading this report on the activity in Leo Finance in December and the preparations for future improvements. I think it should be read by everyone, so if anyone missed it, I highly recommend reading it now. I say from the position of a beginner in Leo but of a somewhat veteran in Hive. I was impressed by the dynamics of this community!


Read here, please! LEO Authors Are the Most Rewarded Users on Hive | December Author Reward Leaderboard + Dev Updates

In this post there is a lot of information, everyone can find something that is in their interest. For me, the most important part is the Top 30 LEO Author Reward Leaderboard

Because we are in a community interested in finance, we are certainly primarily interested in our own finances and how much we can earn from our participation. I am totally "devastated", in a good sense of the word, to be able to win with the same post, both from Leo Finance and from Hive. All Hive members should know this!

Because the members of Hive also want, first of all, to be rewarded as much as possible for their efforts.


Then, if we all want to have as many members as possible in Leo Finance, why not address to our colleagues from Hive first?


This is an opinion and I expose it to everyone but especially to some of the most justified, in my opinion and my limited knowledge, to have a relevant opinion, that is @leofinance, @khaleelkazi, @onealfa, @taskmaster4450.


I think it would be easier to recruit, convinced, than through Twitter campaigns (of course, very necessary but I think it's harder to bring that mass of new members in a short time).

To make this process easier I think some simple actions need to be done.

First let me bring you my example, to explain why I think a small change should be made. From memories, because I don't have time to document myself exactly, I know that I received a quantity of Leo at a certain moment and it seemed to me an attractive coin. Then I saw the community, I saw the tag. Because I noticed that I could earn a few different coins by adding their tags to my posts, I also used #leofinance, I think, I don't remember if it was, and I immediately received a reprimanding comment!

"What do the flowers in your post have to do with finances?"

Of course, they didn't, but they could have, if I had as little experience as possible. I could have written about a business that could be made from growing or selling flowers, how cryptocurrencies could be used for payments, and so on. I didn't know how to write this... but I wasn't helped to do that either.

That comment made me move away from the desire to enter this community, to sell coins... and now I feel sorry!

What I want to say, if I failed to make myself understood, is that maybe posts should be accepted if have references to financial, monetary, economic aspects but that are also related to other people's interests, from gardening, cooking, travel and photography to politics. Let it be a mix between the posts from Leo and those from Hive. This would create the possibility of an easier two-way crossing, from Hive to Leo Finance but vice versa. I think it would be to each other's advantage. It would also increase the site traffic.

Promotion would be easier because many Leo Finance members are active in Hive, have many followers and many may be interested in posting in Leo, attracted, of course, by the opportunity to greatly increase their rewards.

As a conclusion, I think our colleagues from Hive, first, should be drawn to Leo Finance!


Regarding the relaxation of the topic accepted to be posted in Leo Finance...

I think that with the introduction of microblogging, many will post about economic and financial activity and will not write as many long blogs as now. The blog page may be less used and this may require more members, those in Hive are used to writing a lot and would express themselves more here, in the perspective of rewards taken from both programs.

I think that the recommendation regarding the posting should be that the topics should be diverse but should also have a part that should refer to economics, finance and crypto. I am convinced that there are many Hive members who could write like this, but quite a few who could meet the current standards from the very beginning. In time a selection will be made, some will give up but most will become more specialized and dependent on Leo Finance!

What could such a post look like, according to more relaxed rules?

For example, I would like... I mean, to explain: the posts about finance, stocks, economic policies, crypto and decentralization are full of useful information but have a fairly dry, dry form and reading the same typical daily can be boring. Maybe not in a month or two but in a longer time. There are still colleagues who introduce, in addition to text, memes and gifs, but this is too little.

For example, I would like to post music. I know that time means money and few would listen to music instead of reading other posts or commenting, but at least our eyes would see something else.


The idea for this post came to me last night when I was listening to music. I'm old and I listen to old music, I missed my youth and I tried to listen to Deep Purple. Among their famous songs, such as Sweet Child in Time or Lazy, I listened to Maybe I'm A Leo!

I thought, regarding the title of the song, how well it fits the name of our community. I immediately thought that a story could be written about this name, about conspiracy theories (so loved by some of our colleagues). In fact, Leo Finance was founded fifty years ago, but as a secret society that members of the band Deep Purple wanted to be part of, they tried to access this society but did not know if they were accepted. That's why they said... Maybe I'm a Leo!

Peeping round the door I got a big surprise
Couldn't see a thing but open skies
They've taken her away where is she now
Wish that she was here wish she'd hold my hand
Maybe she could laugh maybe understand
Why was I so cruel where is she now
Acting like a fool I had to make her cry
Maybe I'm a leo but I ain't a lion
I'm hurting oh so bad, I want her now
Source: LyricFind


Many more could be said, but such a story can be written in Hive, in Leo Finance it would be received with the question: What has she got to do with cryptocurrencies?

Well, everything I've said here may have been discussed before and it's probably not a good idea. I thought of a marketing technique that says, if I remember correctly: First you bring people to the store and then it will be easier!


Now, at the end, I want to say that everything I wrote above is an idea of how we could promote Leo Finance. Leo Finance is an exceptional program and our closest colleagues, those from Hive, should know better what is happening here and how the rewards are so great and the currency is three times stronger (for now). The fact that our posts in Leo Finance appear simultaneously in Hive is a great advantage to be able to make these realities known.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Just what would happen if everyone on Twitter Facebook came over to #hive #LeoFinance yes just what would happen?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive would not be up anymore. Bet would not be able to take the traffic. Only 1000% in traggif increase will be real trouble for the network. Atleast my bet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I thought if more people on the blockchain it would benefit everyone who use it, more people exchanging on Hive, Leo Finance and Blockchain, the value of the content, the platforms and crypto goes up in all the Community's yes? no?? I ask because, I am still learning.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In principle, the approach is quite correct. However, my comment refers more to the performance of the blockchain. I could be wrong, but this platform probably has around 5,000 active users at the moment. Comparatively, this value is absolutely marginal. If there were to be a massive increase in users, I don't think the blockchain would be able to cope with the potential traffic. To stay with the 10x example. Ten times as many users also means ten times as much traffic in the end; this traffic must be tradable by the network, otherwise the functionality is impaired. In this sense, we always talk about scalability. Here, we refer to the extent to which the functionality of the network can be maintained if a corresponding increase in network participants occurs, which in turn is associated with an increase in traffic. Of course, this is where the technical details come in, and there are far better people to talk to who know the technology. I'm on a basic level at best, and that's not nearly enough to fully grasp the technical background of potential scaling problems.

I hope this gives you a little insight into the dangers that exist (at least in the early stages) on the other side of the coin of a platform that is promptly gaining in popularity. Consequences could be, for example, that the network is hardly or not at all accessible and this could lead to a frustration as well as a direct migration of just fresh users.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I understand and agree. I believe that the developers can make it happen, we must evolve out of this low level. Thanks @st8z

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting comment! I have very little knowledge on the tech behind blockchain so take this as an honest question: are you saying that the network can grow as long as it happens gradually or is there some kind of limit cap that can't or shouldn't ever be surpassed?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No, there is no such limit. I think that is also a natural process somewhere. Infrastructure is built and works with X users. But if the user base reaches a value of, say, 10X, the infrastructure may not be able to handle the increasing traffic. Then it will be seen how to make the infrastructure ready for the increased traffic. Presumably, such efforts already exist where there is no acute need for action. But you'll have to take a look at the developer areas to see if there are any proposals or the like that deal with scalability. In principle, the process described at the beginning repeats itself until the infrastructure can cope with the traffic or it has reached its peak. But that will probably be a very long way off, if at all.

I don't know, maybe if you try to put an elephant in an ant!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you think you can, then you Can!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think you can relax the topic accepted at Leo Finance as you will end up with a site full of rubbish. Standards have to be maintained and the subject needs to be relevant. What happens when something is deemed to have value is people try and take advantage of this and then you have chaos and something that had value ruined. If the topic is monetary related then there is no problem

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Of course you're right, I wrote this from a marketing standpoint to make it easier to promote among Hive members. Of course, a much better method can be found, but the idea is that we have many of the Hives that could be attracted to Leo Finance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The Leofinance community is already one year or so old. Everyone on Hive knows about it, unless one lives under the rock. The main idea is to get out of our Hive, Leo bubble and attract outside users.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, it's a good idea but I don't know how well it works. I think I should see new figures every day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My hopes are that the mirco blog system brings awareness to more people to Hive and LEO. However a microblog really has no SEO on it instead it's just a social network in which you need to directly marketing and continue to promote all the time.

I'm going to spend the first day or two really looking it over and testing it before I start any marketing on it myself but I believe it comes down to each of us if we have a stake in leo it's in our best interest to promote it and use it correctly.

I'm very excited to see what is in store and this is the first of many things to come.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, of course, this microblogging should change something and it remains to be seen. By what I wrote here, I was referring to a narrower framework, namely how to attract more Hive members to Leo Finance. Hive members seem to me the first target and the easiest to approach.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, this place rocks! Especially, if you're writing about finances. But as you already mentioned - every topic can be looked at from a financial perspective. That means you can write about anything you want if it has something to do with finances and increasing your profits. I think the community accepts that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks a lot. I believe the same and if other content is not approved it will not be voted and will disappear naturally.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The posts about finance, stocks, economic policies, crypto, and decentralization are full of useful information but have a fairly dry, dry form, and reading the same typical daily can be boring.

This for sure is true as I get bored reading like two to three posts about all this but then in every community there are rules that govern them so that we don't end up seeing things that are not relevant.

I don't think writing a related subject that has to do with any of the above then using a flower or anything to explain your point is unaccepted here because I am not a crypto person so most of my content is from those perceptive but it should be financed, economic, crypto-related.

Those ways are ways to make the platform lively as well but it shouldn't be out of the rules that govern the platform.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you very much for your answer and understanding. Of course we must abide by the rules and laws first, anarchy is the last thing we need!
I wanted to show that Leo can and should be promoted more among all Hive members.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Relaxing the rules would mean the beginning of the end. The token has the price you see on the market for a reason.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Of course, you know better than me! I would like to contradict you but I don't know how. I didn't think about these aspects when I wrote, I only thought about recruitment, which should be easier with those who are already enrolled in Hive, who already know the model.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Leofinance is a tribe for finance and a second layer of hive, hanche the double reward.
You post about flowers in flower tribe you’ll get flower rewards + hive rewards as well.
Why would you impose your flower posts to finance readers ?
Or why would I impose finance to flower readers ?
Just to earn more tokens ? Not very constructive except for my wallet.
Leo is striving because the topic passionate some people and they write/curate about it.
Let’s make a great flower tribe and earn high valuable flower !
You got my point already and I don’t think Leo should relax the rules.
I’m a big fan of Leo and when I write posts on sports I don’t tag Leo even though I would love to receive more Leo.
More people want to join Leo ? Great ! But they’ll join because they like reading and writing about finance.
Microblogging might relax some rules to accommodate more people and maybe serve as a stepping stone to join Leofinance, wait and see.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let’s make a great flower tribe and earn high valuable flower !

I would like a big Leo Finance tribe and Leo to grow up. That's why I thought we should invite as many Hive members as possible to join us.

Thanks for the reply!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would not worry too much about Leo ;)
It keeps growing steadily and it didn’t even catch the masses.
Leo really has a plan and is delivering !
Let’s take our time to grow and make this place THE place to be and more importantly to stay.
And growing other tribes will bring more people to Leo too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Okay then, so be it! I look forward to seeing the masses...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I understand your point very well and what you want to convey, but if you come to relax the issues leo finance would be the same as the Noise.Cash feed, where instead of talking about useful issues is much spam and content that does not provide any value. And with the integration of microblogging, new users will think that for publishing garbage they will be rewarded and well, here comes the problem. I am very much in favor of not relaxing the topics, since the seriousness of this community is maintained and when you have a specific topic to talk about it is easier and the quality can be higher.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the answer, I understand the need for this place to remain clean and specialized but I also believe in the need to increase the number of users!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There was a debate about this already a month ago. You can read about it here and here. I truly hope rules won't be relaxed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I know that debate, it refers primarily to curation, which is to be preferred, content about Leo Finance or technical content about finance, without reference to Leo. I think both are useful, the former are good for promotion within Hive and the latter to other similar platforms.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The posts refer to curation, but the comments are the voice of the community about what kind of content the community want.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Of course. I haven't read the comments but I will. I knew that my proposal was unacceptable... I just wanted to say that a rapprochement between Leo Finance and Hive would be desirable, as in the place where a river flows into a sea, the waters mix in the contact area .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They would do better at gaining users if they did not downvote those of us who made an attempt to join in!

Hi, Melinda, Happy New Year!
I don't think they do that anymore but you have to write something about finance or cryptocurrencies if you write from their website. It is quite difficult to write if you are not involved in these topics. I also made an attempt but I can't do much, it's hard for me to find topics. I made a few posts but now I don't know, I can't succeed.

Happy New Year to you too, Dan. I'm happier earning Ecency points and Archon tokens for making comments! I earn a few Leo tokens every week and am happy that their price has gone up so that I can sell them off and buy friendlier tokens that I enjoy! 😁

You do very well what you do. It is important to feel good and do what you love.

I do love what I do and will leave the rest to others! 😁

The best choice!