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RE: Recursion Strikes Again!

in LeoFinance5 months ago

I remember spending 8 hours writing a difficult recursive program in LISP back in college as part of an AI class. In the end it only took 8 lines to solve the problem, so it no doubt counts as the lowest lines/hour of any program I ever wrote. I remember all of this, but I no longer can recall what the program did :-)


Now that you mention it I believe I did a recursive thing in my AI class as well.
I also can't remember what it did, lol.

Although now that I think about it I remember I made a

  • Sudoku solver
  • Scrabble player
  • Ant colony simulator.

I'm betting it was the ant colony that had weird recursion stuff.

What a coincidence! The practical part of the AI course I took at the university was also focused on LISP. :)

I remember doing something recursively too, but I have no idea what it was or how many lines of code it had, lol. I remember liking LISP at the time. It was completely different from all other programming languages I had learned before. Too many parentheses though. :)