I noticed something I have been wanting to say but I seem to forget to thread.
I usually sign in with my hive signer to make the premium purchase. But I realized that you can't make a long form blog posts signed in with hive signer.
It says:
Missing signature
So I usually logout and sign back in every single time with Leo Auth to be able to make a blog post
This is how my account works when I want to publish a post. I often change to desktop mode when I am on mobile to breeze through.
I did not know using Leo Auth sign-in option does the trick. Thanks for sharing that, I hope the team will look into it for us who love Hivesigner login method
#freecompliments !DOOK
Yeah, it's easy to perform transactions when signed in with hivesigner.
I second this especially when you are using mobile frequently
#freecompliments !DOOK
Stop using hivesigner. It is the worst of the log in processes.
Use Hiveauth or keychain
Really 😯? I usually use it for transactions only then log back in with Leo Auth.
I use my phone for most of my hiving stuff so can't get keychain. Well probably unless I start using the kiwi browser. But I don't trust that browser either.
You can get keychain on your phone. That is how I access InLeo on my mobile. I have keychain installed and then use the browser in there.
Never had a problem with anything like signing in, uploading pics, or doing shoirts.