Valueplan The Numbers. Part III . A Review at Recipients Accounts Values between 1st January 2024 - 30th April 2024

in LeoFinance10 months ago


I have recently being crunching the numbers from Valueplans payouts from Janaury 2024 until April 2024 just gone and plan to do these every quarter going forward . My first post was around the financials involved in Valueplan's largest campaign , the Rally Car. My second Post what around the total payouts to the user account. The links to these two posts can be found below

Part I: Valueplan The Numbers Part 1 Rally Car

Part II : Valueplan The Numbers Part II A Review of Payouts By User Account

Part III User Account Values of Accounts Funded

The Scope

I have been asked by a number of users to draft a report of the account values of the Valueplan recipients. The complaint being that the funding should be going to the users who have skin in the game. A valuable member of the community and not the kind of user that takes takes takes and never gives back. We see from the likes of @dalz 's report the most active users on Hive and the most rewarded authors and we all know the Hive authors that post regularly that are the most hard working members of the blockchain with their regular posting and interaction. A Hive author that has been building up his HP for years may be a bit miffed that a user account with very little value is making more from one payout than he or she makes from posting in a year with little interaction in the actual Hive Community. I do totally get where they are coming from which is the reason to look into this on behalf of the working authors on Hive. Now the numbers are clear but this one may not be a perfect science as some of the accounts are merely the wallets that a project uses for the funds to be transfered from Valueplan. Whether it is for better transparency or not is up for debate but alarm bells do ring when there is a $0 value account receiving massive payouts on a regular basis. Due to my history of slagging Valueplan off in comedy posts , I am conscious that I have to remain as objective as possible which is why I am posting the exact numbers in the wallet but I have to say , I was a bit surprised at this one. So without further ado let us now have a look at the account values of the Valueplan recipients between 1st January 2024 to 30th April 2024.


The Numbers

The total number of recipients that received funding from Valueplan from January to April is 42 recipients so we are taking this as the 100% baseline. The amount of user accounts that are valued under $100 stands at 7 accounts

These are


User Accounts Receiving Valueplan Funding Under $100

These 7 accounts received $63,749. I know what you are saying. These are only alt accounts for the main user.
So we can look under the hood at the accounts in charge of these wallets.

No.UserFundingmain accountValue

We can see from the above the Woo and Hive Sucre have $2,452.97 and $1,533.40 in their account respectively which is fair enough. The rest however are relatively small accounts.

User Accounts Receiving Valueplan Funding Under $500

Just under half (45.24%) of the Valueplan payouts are to accounts where the total account value is under $1000. This is totaling $320,799.78 from January until April.

The one that stands out the most is the rally car user account at a value of only $278.34. A very small personal investment considering the amount that the user is coming away with which is totaling $169,567 since January and a much more significant sum in 2023. Ok Ok it will be put to me that who cares what Hive Power a user has but there is an argument that an account should have more than 5000 HP before they can apply for any kind of Hive marketing funding. It cannot be that easy to apply for funding. Imagine if I walked into a bank and asked them for a $1 million dollar mortgage. The bank manager asks me if I have any money in my savings account over a 6 month period as a deposit. I tell him that I have around $100 not and I get laughed out of the bank.

You can nearly picture it.
If I see see my best friend in a developing country who never has two pennies to scratch together heading down to the local crypto conference with a box full of Hive pens and a few caps, be a bit colourful with her actual expense receipts and have a lovely meal in the middle of it all. Of course I am going to ask him or her , How the hell did you score this gig? They will proceed to tell me their story so I head home that night to apply myself because why the hell not. If any amount of Hive Power can apply then why the hell not? So what have I got to lose. If you don't ask you won't get. 1 month later I have my cap and t-shirt heading to my own little event.

User Accounts Receiving Valueplan Funding Under $1000

It is funny that there are only 2 users between the $500 and the $1000 so there is not much of a difference here but it does bring the user funding to 50% of the total users under the $1000 receiving funds. So half of all the users funded by Valueplan have less than 1000 HP. This may be quite a shock to some of you as it really can be said that most of these accounts do NOT have any skin in the game. Now the argument is that if they kept some of the funding and powered it up then there would be complaints about this then. One account above received funding and tranferred it straight into HBD savings earning 20% for example (no 9) . But this may be that users right to do so as the funding is his to use.

Some Recommendations

  1. I would propose if anybody wants funding then they got have a bare minimum amount of 3000 - 5000 Hive powered up over a certain period of time in their account so that it is proof that they are into Hive for the long haul. Having 0HP on an account receiving funding does not look good for anyone involved and transparency is the key for this kind of funding. Yes I am aware there are alt wallets involved that do not show you the whole picture but the sample size above of accounts under $100 did not fill me with hope. A ladder system could be set up having limits on funding depending on the amount of HP a user has. If they want over 100k funding well they have to have some funds in their wallet over the last 3 years. The user could power down after the funding is achieved but this will tell you even more about that person's intentions so the next round of funding may not be some easily obtained.

  2. Those of you that frequent Hive on a daily basis will be aware of the regular names that are active on Hive. Asher's Engagement League used to be the best metric on who is the most engaged on Hive. It mostly consists of Hive Dolphins who have made their way to over 5000HP by being engaged with the Community, The middle class as they are called. These are the guys that the Community needs to be looking at for conferences and events. I am sure if Valueplan approached and gave a couple of famous Hive names 1000HBD then they would happily attend a crypto event in their country. Not the users with 100HP and never post that are taking a punt to get funding in the first place. I would be questioning the agendas of people who have very little HP and very few posts that want funding for these conferences and events. The fact that most these conferences are in South America doesn't do any good for credibility of the project. Is the Hive Community that naïve to think every thing here is legitimate? We are in the crypto space where people would sell their granny for 1 SOL. I think there needs to some element of reassessment here.

  1. Whoever wants funding needs to get the funding to their main account and not an alt account. It is not transparent if Valueplan send funds to a 0HP wallet and then that wallet sends to somewhere else and then another wallet sends again. It just muddies the water for people to suspect something. In 2023 there were many complaints over payments to the marscrea wallet which was part of the street work out project and this looks to have been changed to an account which is now more transparent. I would still be questioning why for example victorg30 who is part of the gym street workout has a wallet for his bike racing. It just looks suspect and not the way we should do things. Valueplan is funding the person , not an unknown account so if the user requires funding then they have to be transparent in every aspect of it.

So there you have it. Part 4 is on its way where we look at more of the top ten accounts being funded. If you have any queries around any of these numbers then do not hesitate to leave a comment.


I don't think there is any stopping this train.

I wouldn't mind some of the recipients holding more HP to show that they were invested in this place and not just doing promo work.

I know the argument will be that they use the funds to further the hive cause and offset those expenses but it definitely wouldn't hurt for them to lead to set an example with holding some HP.

Yes exactly. The optics just don't look getting funded thousands of HBD or Hive with an account value of less than 500 quid.

Yeah, if accounts were to hold HP then they could be rewarding others that joined and creating that dynamic jiggery pokery we have always dreamed of