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RE: How are you measuring your success?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

That's the amazing thing about contests! You can always take some inspiration to write about the questions they pose. And some of them are so interesting that what I lack is time to explore them all 🙈 but slowly and with compromisse we'll go a long way I believe 🙏

Defenitely Don't give your keys to anyone! About the recent hacker events here on Hive you can check this post from @jaydr 😉

Have a great week! 😘


You can always take some inspiration to write about the questions they pose.

YES!! 🙌 And there are so many interesting things to explore on Hive, I simply cannot keep up. I think, even if I did Hive full time, I'd still find more things I wanted to explore than I have time for ⏰

we'll go a long way I believe

I believe we already are, my dear 😉😘

About the recent hacker events here on Hive

Thank you! 🙏 Yes, I saw the Hivewatcher's original post a day or two ago. 😠 You reminded me I should reblog it (so I just have). 👊

Have a gorgeous week being your honest lovely self, Margarida 🤗

I simply cannot keep up. I think, even if I did Hive full time, I'd still find more things I wanted to explore than I have time for ⏰

I feel the same way! We can only give the time we have available after other priorities in life 🙏

Thank you! Have a great week yourself with lots of long walks in nature 😍 give a hi to your gecko friends for me will ya? 🙈

Talk soon ❤️

give a hi to your gecko friends for me will ya? 🙈

Bhahahaha. 🦎 Will do 😉
