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RE: All hail our advertising overlords!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Advertising still has to come to hive front ends in order to bring value in. You can't keep running these front ends and keep asking for money out of hive it's a constant sink with no fill and is a huge issue to the value of the token. Content creators care about revenue, that revenue has to come from somewhere and the easiest of places is advertisers.

No while some web2 platforms cater to advertisers that doesn't mean web3 has to or the owners of those platforms and that's where the key difference comes. You also don't have to track everything or if you do it doesn't have to be in an aggressive way like web 2 currently does. There's no reason why person A user A can't have a hive token which has no real details of them but still collects relevant data for advertisers can't be used. NO personal information is collected. But that's going to have to come down to the developers on these platforms. Revenue MUST come in and there's no reason why ads should not be implemented and given back to the users and content creators in some way. If content creators and users are suppose to own their content on web3 you damn well should expect they should be earning something if not more then web2 if it's ever going to catch on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta