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RE: How To Increase You Results On Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I totally agree with all these.

I also think people should try to get someone to guide them.

Discord is one place that people don't use even though a lot of hivers hang out there.

I have not used listnerds yet but intend to use them in the future.

Engagement will definitely boost people up


ListNerds is an interesting project. Like most, it requires time to build up the ability to send emails. Have to have the CTP token.

A lot going on with Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hmmmm... I will look it up as I am currently into affiliate marketing right now

You should, it works better than I can explain it, and at some point, I'm sure this community will explode. "Affiliate marketing" on the blockchain, did you see this anywhere else?

Hmmmm...i guess I might have been missing out on something really nice

Yeah, it sounded lot like affiliate stuff