Humans are creatures with infinite desires! No matter how much they have, they still want more! When we are bombarded with advertisements, we feel we have to do this! They urge you to participate in it! You must have it or it will be too late! You fall behind! You put yourself on fire to be a small part of the new wave!😤
In the world of crypto, how many of us have regrets in retrospect? Really all of us!😁
We all regret seeing the course of Bitcoin price that we wish we were there before this rise or fall! The world around us is full of regrets that we suddenly say to ourselves when we see each new wave: Maybe this is the next one! Let's ride it!😪
Does this challenge take us backwards? Maybe yes or maybe not!🤑
The FOMO on consumables is crazy - there is generally an endless supply for those who want, so they make it seem like those who buy early have advantages - generally they can post about it on instagram ;)
Bitcoin price is okay now - if you bought in 2020 - or 2016... or 2011