More days in

in LeoFinance4 months ago


I got a message from my manager saying that an opportunity of sorts presented itself for me to fill in for a team leader. Basically, I'll be managing a group of new starters in the retail department and I was super excited for the opportunity.

As I've said on multiple occasions, I'm looking to cut my teeth in management, so I'm always looking out for opportunities to showcase my capacity. This looks like a massive opportunity, especially considering that this situation was as a result of a new team leader backing out.

I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit gutted to note that an external team leader was taken in before I was considered but I guess that's just how corporate things go. No one is actually thinking about you and the only way to get something is to outrightly take it.

Anyway, my manager's manager reached out to me to ask if I'll be available to handle the responsibility of managing a couple of agents that are just starting. I of course jumped at the opportunity and will be doing a lot of coaching sessions in the coming weeks.

The only problem with this situation or opportunity, if you may, is that I'll have to be in the office more often than I'd like to. Three whole days in the office, to be precise.

The downside is all the travel time but the good side is knowing that I'll at least be off calls and could be in with a chance to make this permanent. I'll be keeping my eye on the jobs hub platform for the opening and will pounce on it whenever it comes up.

I've already had a couple of additions for this management role and I believe this is just another opportunity to showcase my talent. I'll be in the thick of the action and potentially setting the foundation for a future in management. Bigly excited, I am.


Yay! New oppertunities unfolding and you are grabbing them. Good going!

Really happy for the opportunity. Gonna go hard to see if I can make it permanent.