I'm Pre-tired

in LeoFinance4 months ago

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This week is set to be a very long week. I'm trying to be optimistic about it but traveling three days a week will pose a major challenge.

Starting from today, I'll be doing 8am to 3:30pm shifts and I've got to say, I'm not entirely looking forward to it. This shift is nice when you're working from home and you get close early but going to the office is straight up hell.

I volunteered to help out in the office because extra hands will be needed for training new starters. When I volunteered for this, I figured I'd be working within the schedule of the new starters but it turns out that's hardly the case.

I'll be going to the office on my regular schedule and then helping out within those working hours. Frankly speaking, it sucks but I gotta do what I gotta do.

I have this thing that happens where I have a difficult time sleeping whenever I have a trip the next day. Thanks to that, I barely got any sleep last night and I fear that it might roll into tomorrow, since I'm scheduled to go into the office.

On a positive note, the weather is nice. Well, at least it's not snowing anymore and we're now back to normal human being temperature.

I'm happy it's warmer now but I fear that brief wintery hell was a precursor of things to come. I have a bad feeling that December to January is going to be well and truly the depths of hell. I'm not looking forward to it.