For the first time since I started farming on Cubfinance, Cub token has dropped below $1. I've been holding it since $3, ao I'm not going to pretend like it doesn't suck to see it go down the toilet like this.
In the process, the TVL has dropped below $10m as well, and a number of early "investors" seem to have lost interest in the project. It is also worth noting that the price of the token is also influenced by the dwindling price of BNB and the general market meltdown.
Once again, it sucks to see my token go down the toilet but Cub is reacting to the "crash" in pretty much the same way everything else is reacting. I moved some money to pancake, and I noticed it is also the same situation over there, with cake trading far below the level I bought in.
My entire portfolio value has taken a $6k kick in the balls but I'm not overly bothered because I'm in it for the long haul and the tech. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is that time of the year, so read whitepapers and go with the flow of the market.
If you're in panic mode, I suggest you try to keep calm and stay focused on the goal. The market has a self-healing mechanism, however, there's no specification on how long it will take.
The FUD machine is still in full swing, so the bears are winning. The media are constantly spinning anti-crypto stories and so, we'll have to wait out the storm. Stay strong and may the odds be in your favour, that's all I can say right now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There's no need to FUD but who is buying the cub that's printed every day?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
CUB is cheap and LEO is cheap!
I'm not sure what to pick!
That being said, I did manage to make a bit of profit with PancakeBunny by timing it right. I then took my earnings, and chucked it into the BUSD/CUB pool :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nice move. I have a couple thousand dollars in the cub/busd pool as well. Getting in now is a steak tbh.
If I get my hands on some stable coins, I'll be diving into the pool as well.
Can you explain in an easy language, what's cup ? Knowing that I don't know anything about those yeald farms and no that much about defi and all those new things.
We will be earning more hive and cubs woth these cheap prices now! Its perfect :p
You're thinking ahead as always lol
Well, its buying season! Haha :p
perfect time to dca and avg my price down to $2 🤣
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Considering my Cub investment as a by-gone, at least I got my initial investment back, but it does suck😑
Stay strong. Lots of dev coming through and buy pressure to go with it.
I think I paid too much for my cub at $14, $10, $8, $7 ... $4, $3 ... $2 .... should I buy more ?
It depends, if you stil have spare fiat, go ahead, else just chill
I’m chillin man.
What do you mean you paid $14 for CUB? Looks like ATH is $4?
Yeah. That’s wrong. If you were there the minute it opened up it ran up quickly to $14 ... and that is the price i paid ... Avery small amount with some bleo... then I bought more with BNB at $10, $7, $6 .... until I had 100 Cub.
Excelente publicacion muy instructiva, saludos.
Perfect time to buy more.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
From August or October is when everything will explode, so it is worth looking at currencies that are in the sewer but that we know have growth potential, because when they rise at that date we will see good gains.
And I am also seeing how my investment in the cub defi is going down the drain, but I am the same as you, long term investment because in the short term is not fun and as I know that everything I produce in this bad time will be very profitable when the rise returns,
What you can do is offset the purchases you made at $3 by buying the cheap cub, you will see that when it goes up you will gain 3 times.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm not even bothered about buying right now because I'm farming it Anyway. Plus, I don't even have extra cash to buy more cub at the moment.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta