We know a monetary Reset is coming!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I'm going to keep this post short and sweet to start of the week. All fiat currencies are a derivative of the US DOLLAR. We know a monetary reset is coming but the anxiety over navigation is real. How do we prepare for that reset? I have spoken about diversification because none of us have a crystal ball to see the future.


Rising interest rates are here, and so is inflation. At the moment looking ahead it would seem borrowing rates are going up which equals easy money is not so easy anymore. It's hard to position from a world that had easy money policies for a general period of 40 years. To think we are going to have 40 years of not having easy money may be not only a monetary but also psychological hurdle we all must transition into.

source: qz.com

If you are a big spender it matters not. Most of your credit card bills will be for groceries in the now or near future. Let's face it, if you didn't learn to be frugal monetarily you will learn the hard way. It's going back to a time where you actually needed to have the money and a lot of it for a lavish vacation. No more borrowing, no more living beyond your means. Corruption and easy money will always go hand in hand; that will not change. What will happen is that people will finally realize they are debt slaves and will complain about their lot while having to return their BMW leased automobile for $500 a month. Their vacations will not happen and they will struggle for food, clothing, and shelter.

Those of us who have been saving and trying to pay off our debts will be vindicated to a degree. It does not mean we won't sink, but it means we will keep our head above water at least a little longer. Making more and more 'money' is going to be a challenge. Hopefully we have some assets from saving. 2023 will be the start of this hard learning lesson for those underwater in debt. I feel bad but do not feel bad. It's going to be a hard punch to the face and people will either adjust or capitulate. Those of us who have been awake for a very long time are at least psychologically prepared for this. This gives us a much healthier advantage. It's still a victory for those who read this blog. You are half way there! Now some how we have to make more money :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


2023 is going to be shitty. I hope I can shake off my line of credit before the SHTF. Batten down the hatches.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As far as our heads are above water and we're able to swim, we will be okay :). 2023 will be quite an eventful year especially from a financial standpoint. There will probably be some new set records.

its is going to get tough... we need to have some savings in order to pass this bad times, i have faith that 2024 will be the year for the crypto bull run

Only God knows how 2023 would be.

I love the picture that says corruption created poverty. There is no lie in that. It indeed creates one.

Now some how we have to make more money :)

Try shit-posting on #threads

Situation getting more complicated from the start of covid and still the world is stabilizing and in all this middle class people are affected a lot!!!