How does my LEO curation account account?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I forgot to publish this.

Now you get it. This should be my most up-voted piece for this year.

I will not be.

I'm a victim of algorithms and bots..

I'm not complaining as it's been steady for me on hive.

Is it real?

Is anything real?


Back in the day I got mindless upvote for original / not so original meme content. It goes back years..

Well in that spirit I got upvoted by block trades .. multiple times.

That stopped ;(

But it gave me hope and I'm still here. I really do not care about the payout. I give myself a gold coin every 3 years with HIVE.

Why do you stick around my blog? I try to speak the truth. You can type into a void and other people answer.

**Typing on a keyboard is something I have been doing for over 2 .5 decades. **

Simulations of simulations is what it is..

Nobody knows the equation..

The answer or end to it all.

Pop culture made me post those images. What do they mean to the rest of you!

This is how I communicated with you.

Incredible isn't it?

Pop culture helping us communicate with each other.

Posting on Hive is the extension of posting on bulletin board systems..



I own this comic. Does it give me a right to post this image on to my blog?

I'm not really sure. I taking a picture of an actual comic I own. This image is copyright.. to marvel.

I however bought this comic in a shop and this is the easiest way to show off it's image.

I didn't create this image but I own it's physical images.

Alright now that we have gotten over that how about your own quick drawing renditions...


But now I've mixed my blog with my own creative 'fan art' drawn by myself,

Oh how I drew this media not knowing I would use it for future blogs YEARS in advance.

Should I NFT it?

I have the full image LOL # ?


This is an image about 20 years that still makes something.. go figure.

Maybe I'll digitize if I become more well known #never

WHO CARES.. It's my digital life.. and I monetized it over the years..

How do I know?

Look at my payout I guess.

It's my art, butthe likeness is copyright.



Where is the next 10 year drawing..

I cannot find the pen!
No joke.



What a reversal we had in the markets yesterday! It was down down down and then the plunge protection team at the FED came right back in to help soften the blow. Unfortunately we gotta keep pricing in FUD (fear uncertainty doubt). If you are anything like myself you are hedging for the ultimate end-game-play!


What's that bear? What's that end-game-play?

Is it crypto? - No
Is it gold? - No
is it crude oil - No


Ok Bear what gives! What are you ultimately hedging for? Well war of course!

It's amazing how many people glorify their profits. I made millions in FIAT! WOW! Millions? That's incredible you are amazing! Whether it's in software or ripping off other creations and putting it somewhere else it doesn't matter! Small peckers will always flaunt their fiat earnings.. until that fiat is inflated away!

Look nobody has a crystal ball! We don't know if Ukraine and NATO are going to go to war.. but basically what happens is simple. When things in the market finally break, you will see everything take a hit. Pandemonium everywhere needs a distraction. What's the best way to rid yourself of angry people? Well liquidating them.

Would I buy the dip? Depends, but it also depends on what it is priced in. Yes it's broad but we will be going to 'war'. We just had one against an invisible enemy but unfortunately that play is getting tiring now. You can only play politics so long with supply chain issues. A war will explain all of it away.



I was raised to be generally frugal. Its hard to be frugal in North America if you weren’t born in the projects. In fact the projects themselves have a culture of BMW’s parked outside. Rolex, diamond teeth, idiocy.

Our level of comfort is dictated by our societal surroundings. It’s difficult to break out of such a molds when you think differently than others.

I don’t know why its so hard for
human beings to understand the laws of nature. It’s amazing the level of escape human beings need. It’s even more amazing the level of idiocy from public officials. Gd truly is in control of humanity and is planning a controlled
demolition. Why do I stack? I’m now even investing in physical tuna cans. If you can believe it the governments of the United States and Canada are making it mandatory for truckers to get vaxxed. In return those who do not comply are going to strike. Who needs supplies? People just expect things to be on the shelves.

Vacation Vacation Vacation. The winter is long and all I hear about is not prices, but how to escape for just a few weeks. You might be paying more at the pump, and everything on the shelves. No problem! Your worries disappear on touch down. I have no choice! I just want to stack? What’s wrong with me?


Let bear take you back in time..


woh woh not that far back heh wouldn't want to bring back those memories


2019 rolled around.. what was going on?

"Federal Reserve Cuts Interest Rates for Third Time in 2019"

The quarter-point cut comes as the economy continues to show signs of slowing, but the Fed signaled that it may pause to weigh incoming data before adjusting rates again."

What year is it? 2020.. no back to 2022. Economy on the ground and we just got free stimi's! So interest rates going up are going to stop inflation?


The Fed Is Raising Interest Rates: These Growth Stocks Can Still Double in 2022
Worried about fighting the Fed? Don't miss out on these potentially explosive stocks!!!







Via derivatives GOLD and SILVER will be down. Thanks to JPMorgon. Crypto's stuck in a range. 10 year krept up but I will say as always will be suppressed down!

Just continue to hedge.

Interest rates going up will not help inflation on the ground. General people prepare to get pummeled. Prices and nature have no mercy. If you are penny poor, debt rich, and taking vacation right now.. well when you come back it's also LA LA land. This is about survival and it's pretty serious. Right now the city has not plowed the street. I'm still waiting..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

**Thread it together! **


I donno what Internet money is, but my parents think that's what I make.

So I figured I haven't been posting much, just been getting Div's every day and re-compounding..

But I still like to post once in a while. I like to write about the markets and the dysfunction in them. So without further adew- here is some dysfunction:


The 10 Year which I have said to watch has shot up! Wow! This must mark the end? No.. we are just pricing in 'rate hikes', adding only 199,000 jobs in December in the USA! So from 420,000 only adding 199,000 isn't very much!!!

Anyways we know things are contracting while the world is inflating.

It's not going to stop!


And our beloved crypto's are down! At least wages are going up.. fractionally. Unfortunately wages going up doesn't mean prices are going down. In-fact that wage rise is a response to the government paying people to stay home. Then low-and-behold prices go up for a myriad of reasons.. and people will only sowkr if they can make end-meat (which they are not).

The circle of dysfunction will continue. Sure we have constant deflationary forces, but a collapse of such is known to destroy the whole system. People in power need the system to continue; albeit limping along.

You do the math! So if you wish buy the dips. Not financial advice.. because who can really give any in a system like this?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta