I'm sorry but you have that with anyone who is a strong female at times and you gave out tons of tokens , a type of airdrop if you will and then were mad people sold them,
I am so sorry I didn't make it as an angel and I forget the past every day. You wouldn't DARE say that to Marky cause he's a whale but will say it to me but that's fine dude. :) Oh wait, you did, dayummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Hey, if you're kicking ass then good on you but nobody on here is on here as long as some of us without some battle scars (pun intended).
If people are mad I literally do what I want with my own money or in this case you dropped tokens then that's on them. People are allowed to do what they want on votes or staking or not staking or voting, and it's just funny @themarkymark just posted facts but yeah...let's forget the past where you literally got mad at people who sold your drop.
Moving on and wish you much wow and moon
Proof of Brain has issues with some stuff like any other Community as humans are gonna human but OVERALL it's a solid place that self polices with Whales that aren't doing massive self UV (also absolutely a right) sooooo......... am here for the fun and to support what I think is the best and least caustic groups along with a few other favorites like information war, deepdives and a few others.
Axey...yes over 4 years of fun and counting!
lol, no problem there and for the record as a statist non-flat-earther who doesn't give a damn what you do the fact you're bragging about scoring a user who just said she hoped someone and all of their people 'died' or something very along those lines shows us all about your tribe. that's sick wishing that btw.....muting your booty and please mute mine <3
I am not strong and I am aggressive and brainwashed? Marky is to go fuck a goat and you're people came out to say that they hope someone and their people all meet God???????????????????/
As far as aggression go why don't you check your own tongue their non-homie. Muting again, adios ;)
Great PR!,
bye from someone who sees Earth as an Oblate Spheroid :P
oh btw, your interpretation of assertive vs. aggressive is interesting . I'm aggressive AF if someone wants to be a turd and so are those who do well in biz and Corp. sectors and work for themselves so just to let you in on a secret that a lot of men can't stand assertive, smart women.