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RE: The Notorious T.H.I.N.G

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I think if I had a thing on hive it would be commenting. Since the beginning I have always tried to leave a comment on several post a day, some days are not great but I came to steem for the reading opportunity. I left comments on little book excerpts that were being serialized, and was surprised I actually got responses back from the Authors.

When I think back on my beginning days of internet connection through at first a BBS, and then via Genie, I have left a ton of comments. What started the comments was a Genie Round table group with Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven. Two authors I really enjoyed reading, they actually answered people when asked questions. So if famous authors would take the time to respond to my questions, I learned to ask relevant questions and/or leave thoughtful comments,


I left comments on little book excerpts that were being serialized, and was surprised I actually got responses back from the Authors.

This is what I like about Hive, access. In the future, it might not be so easy for the popular ones, but I hope that they will do their best to actually engage with some of the audience - it makes a huge difference.

I know it would be very hard with 300+ unique comments, but an author should at least try to respond to some, just so the audience can see they do care about a two way conversation. I really don't see how you and your brother handle so many comments, I know it takes time to respond.

I stopped by to do a couple quick reads of the T-Mans postings. Playing catch up, 5 days behind... I am always behind.

Time is the thing I lack. And not being very fast with the typing and then the OCD with going back and rewriting the comment I make 3-4-5 times. And still being unshure of hitting send is my issue.

Those you speak of on this comment...


Well, they must be pretty damn fast and confident of what they type.

Me... Not So.


Yeah, it does take time, and those two must be really fast typers and thinkers, I have slowed down a bit with age regarding every thing.