But, power sells and while we pay attention to applying it within the constraints provided and in the direction designated, we are getting robbed of our ability to own, to actually have power.
This I think is where the power of the block chain from a social perspective can really achieve new heights. We the people , (the consumers like myself), can make real choices. Where the content providers can make real content, content that fills their heart.
I will use music as an example. Where I live I no longer listen to the radio in the car or in the house, at a guess I would think maybe I had 8 hours of total radio listening time last year. I like the old music the music that I grew up with and aged with, but here where I am at, if the music is before about 2000 it simply is not played, and is pretty much all canned stuff that one of the five or six major radio station companies wants people to hear.
Youtube music is pretty much the same, amazon music the same, i-heart radio the same, stuff that other people want me to hear made by people that the companies made.
I have heard a lot of different music on Hive, some of it I find very damn good, especially the Original content. Some of the cover songs are good, but I am really enjoying finding some real artist when it comes to music. The block chain can really shine in this department, giving people the power to choose music of their choice, not of the same lyrics the same artist, the same company, but from people that are artist on hive stretching the boundaries of music.
I think the block chain also goes a little way in this direction with stories, but has more room for growth in that direction.
The block chain can break all the constraints imposed on people from the real people with power, thus we can have a little bit of our own un-corrupted power to choose how we want to use that power.
Once the platforms start popping up to support independent artists and have the funding and user base behind to support, it is going to be quite amazing. Spotify on steroids, where all the new music in the world is first released on the blockchain and then the studios vie for a piece of it, while the ownership remains squarely with the creators.
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And we begin to have real choice, not some artificial company telling us what we should like, but finding that which we enjoy. I think it will ahppen with books one day also, instead of amazon kindle or good reads, maybe one day it will be Hive-Reads.
It would be interesting to see what it would look like to have a decentralized marketplace owned and operated by content creators and consumers with a lot of support and usage behind it. The argument on Hive is always "not enough users" but what would it look like if it had enough?
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