Searching for the Unknown - A Fork in The Road

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Inquiries from the mortal realm have finally reached the chamber of wisdom. Members of the Council took their time to bring forth the answer to the ultimate question composed by What life would be like when Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Tech take over the World and become everyday life?

Let There Be Blockchain

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After a brief moment of complete silence, the dark figures seamlessly united into one, consuming captain Smith with their mesmerizing gaze. The vale of silence was lifted and a story of cosmical proportions unfolded in front of his eyes. A spectrum of geometrical shapes and figures possessed his mind while the Council of One proceeded with their answer.

Open your eyes and mind to what you are about to hear Mr. Smith for this is the last time our paths shall cross. Once we have given you the wisdom you seek we will become One, and your memories of this place will only be remembered as a distant dream.

To make sure your inquiry is answered in full, we must start our story at the beginning of the great cycle. Your reality is just one of many, almost infinite outcomes, so we must only focus on the forks in the road that shaped your world. At this very moment, your kind is approaching their crossroad point and it will all start with a technological revolution never seen in these parts of the cosmos.

Long before the dawn of Man, great creators walked the planes of the Earth. Long ago they left their home but most of their knowledge was preserved in cryptic hermetic texts. Even though they will be regarded as simple myths for many decades to come, they were the spark of curiosity that pushed making forward. Sadly, they will serve as symbols of human imagination and their prophetic tone will be frowned upon until the very end.

O Egypt, Egypt, of thy religion nothing will remain but an empty tale, which thine own children in time to come will not believe; nothing will be left but graven words, and only the stones will tell of thy piety. And in that day men will be weary of life, and they will cease to think the universe worthy of reverent wonder and of worship.

The Lament of Hermes (Between 200 and 500 BCE)

Once the great creators left the utopian kingdoms they have built, they embarked on a journey far beyond human imagination. Those that were left behind were meant to replicate this success and preserve the most valuable asset in all of existence - free will.

This task has proven to be very hard for your kind because free will comes with many evils that one must overcome. Greed took over quickly, shadowing trust among men. After many wars and plagues you have realized that cooperation is the only way forward but assessing and transferring value required that one thing which greed tortured and twisted for thousands of years. Trust had to be restored and if mankind didn't want that burden, nature would take matters into her own hands.

The first form of currency that was created in your world was flawed but such knowledge was hidden from the outside world. Those that wielded power allowed others to transact with value, but they wanted to keep power for themselves. Thus, an inefficient and flawed framework was integrated into your society and into your minds. Ever since you became conscious you were wired to respect and obey this system that seemingly has no alternative. But like all lies, even the biggest one of them has to fall someday, and that day is almost upon us.

And so the gods will depart from mankind, a grievous thing! And only evil angels will remain, who will mingle with men, and drive the poor wretches by main force into all manner of reckless crime, into wars, and robberies, and frauds, and all things hostile to the nature of the soul.

When the sands of time reach a tipping point, the need for something divine brings the best out of your species. A figure, that you will worship in the time to come has already emerged among you. They have left their instructions in writing and started a revolution that will change the course of history forever. Man will be free from burdens, innovation will be praised and true values will be restored as trust is inevitable in this new framework. A completely new chapter of history is approaching but the unenlightened will do everything they can to stop it.

Restoring the Balance

Clear visions of the future were created in the captain's mind while the spirits of the wise guided him through the wonders of what is to come.

Skyscrapers defying the laws of physics, automated transportation using programmable currencies as a transfer of value, school systems founded on hard evidence stored on a public ledger that everyone can dispute and protect, people with unique personalities and identities building the foundations of Heaven on Earth... All of this possible thanks to an immutable and trustless system that obeys no God, bends before no law, and knows no boundaries of the material world. Instead of searching for the gates of Eden, they have created Eden, moving one step closer to discovering their true divine nature.

Seeing such beauty brought a sense of joy and peace. After all this time, there may still be hope for us... Sadly, this moment of relief did not last long because a bright future can only come to be if balance is restored. A task that will prove to be so hard to accomplish, it may mark the very end of mankind as we know it.

Do you weep at this, Asclepius? There is worse to come; Egypt herself will have yet more to suffer; she will fall into a far more piteous plight, and will be infected with yet more, grievous plagues; and this land, which once was holy, a land which loved the gods, and wherein alone, in reward for her devotion, the gods deigned to sojourn upon earth, a land which was the teacher of mankind in holiness and piety, this land will go beyond all in cruel deeds. The dead will far outnumber the living; and the survivors will be known for Egyptians by their tongue alone, but in their actions they will seem to be men of another race.

Not everyone understands the benefits of absolute trust. Those that invented value will want to protect it with their lives because false creators never let go of their creation. Many pretenders that filled the roles of influential individuals have passed on the power of greed to their successors. Throughout the course of the great cycle noble men have emerged, only to have their names erased ever so slowly by the river of time. Only those that practiced the arts of deception kept their names close to the starts with hopes that their fortune and fame will become immortal because they never learned how to achieve immortality themselves.

This practice of inherent power will interfere with the uprising of the free as soon as the true nature of their technology becomes clear to the pretenders. They will try to establish control over the first iterations of decentralization by offering their services to the uninformed masses. They will add value to these digital assets and sell them at a premium triggering what will come to be known as perpetual accumulation. As centralized systems start gaining more control over decentralized value the true believers will have to prove their worth, because their faith will be tested one last time. It is at this point in time that all mankind will stand at the great crossroads, forced to make their final decision. Will they continue to follow the herd lead by the pretenders, or will they stand up for what they truly believe?

If they succeed in this endeavor they will perform something that was once considered a miracle... A peaceful victory will be achieved for the first time. By learning from those before them they will not use weapons in their quest for justice, they will use the very laws that govern the nature around them and imbed those into the fabric of society. Such an act will slowly degrade the value standards set by those that were once known as kings. Their deeds will become their downfall for all of their success was built on violence and lies.

To restore the balance, the newborn kings must recognize their place in the universe and motivate their brothers by practicing what they preach.

They must show no anger towards those that ruined their past.

They must show no resentment to those that do not believe them.

They must become one with their friends and foes.

If they find forgiveness within them, they will find peace. All the wars that were waged and all the plagues that threatened to destroy their very existence were necessary circumstances that molded humans into their true form. Without tragedy, a diamond can not be born.

And thus he will bring back his world to its former aspect, so that the Kosmos will once more be deemed worthy of worship and wondering reverence

This marks the end of your journey Mr Smith, but it also marks the beginning of another. Now that you know how the great cycle begins, you must know that the ending will always be a product of your own free will. We trust that you will make the right decision when the time comes, and so we now become One. The knowledge you requested has been given, but your world may not be ready for the story you are about to tell...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


A special thanks to @gregory-f , @proofmaster , @niallon11 , and @hatoto for participating in the creation of this story.

I know that most of you forgot that you even participated but your decisions actually shaped the outcome. Your contribution is appreciated!

we never forget :)

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