Stop Throwing Your Time Away - Use Crypto Platforms and Earn

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Every hour spent on Facebook, Instagram, and similar corporate platforms is an hour lost. An hour that could be spent in a thousand different ways. Instead of swiping left and right, you could be reading about things that interest you. That way you would increase your knowledge and maybe even improve your overall well-being. Instead of watching viral videos of pranks, babies, and cats, you could be watching educational videos that inspire you to do something yourself.

Who knows? Maybe you'll find your new passion somewhere. But most importantly, if you jump into crypto, you'll start earning cryptocurrency! This cryptocurrency can later be sold, swapped, or used in some different way, maybe to buy something you've always wanted, for example, Bitcoin.

decentralize  social media.png

You're reading this article on which is a blogging platform built on HIVE blockchain. Everyone here who's writing articles (and even comments) is earning a share of LEO/HIVE and other hive-engine tokens. Try and read these 33 reasons and you'll be amazed! Ten years ago, we could only imagine something like this. Today, it's a reality and it's getting better and better with each passing day.

Here, I can talk about every crypto project there is - its applications, use cases, and possible futures scenarios. Not only do I get to discuss this project with smarter people than me, I'm also earning for doing that. Right now, I'm powering up my earnings to have a bigger vote on the platform. Everyone likes big votes! Hopefully, soon enough, @bagofincome will be a big Lion!


Another crypto platform that I've been using for quite some time now, and I'm even an Ambassador there, is Torum. The name of the platform is a combination of tokens and forums (Tokenized Forum = Torum).

It's a great place where you can connect with other crypto enthusiasts and find out about new initiatives and projects that are coming out. The looks are similar to Facebook therefore it is easy to grasp even for crypto beginners. It could be the reason why so many new people are joining up Torum.

Since my last article about Torum, it has reached another new high in the Alexa ranking and is now in 80,657th place globally. Torum went up almost 5 thousand places in less than a week! I think it's pretty impressive! Don't forget that their token (XTM) is not yet on the market. It means you can earn it by doing missions and receiving gifts but you can't sell it for fiat money or other cryptos (not yet).

For me, personally, I'm doing great on Torum as I have the biggest follower count exactly there! I think it's because I'm an Ambassador with a cool badge but I'm also doing a daily hunt of new landers to whom I give tasty gifts.


See, more than 600 followers! In comparison, on Twitter, I have a little over 400, and on HIVE a bit over 120 followers. Slowly, moving towards my first thousand. We'll see which platform will be first where boi reaches one thousand followers.

Why am I using multiple platforms?

For me, as an internet persona, I have to reach as many readers as possible. It doesn't matter where my reader comes from. It matters if he stays and remembers @bagofincome. There are many people reading our articles and still not joining up. The more we talk about how awesome it actually is to be in crypto, the more people will join. The more we are, the bigger our chance of making a change!

And the most important thing:

Once you start using platforms that reward you for your time and efforts, the chance that you will go back swiping right and left is really small. The more time you spend in the crypto-verse, the more rewards you'll receive. It will be impossible to go back to your old lifestyle. Your habits will change and you'll become more productive than you ever were.

It may even become an addiction. But for me, it's better to be addicted to making crypto instead of being addicted to viral videos and stuff like that. How much time until crypto goes mainstream? I don't know but if you join now, you're early!

Thank you for reading!



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Great advice! I followed the link and was really impressed about your 33 reasons to use Hive (I tweeted that post).

Thanks, man!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for this info.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Glad to see you joining up!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Generally, people who say they don't have time to "spend" using platforms to earn cryptocurrencies... They tend to be the same ones who don't disconnect themselves from Facebook or Instagram.

Well... What can I say? Too bad for them. ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

thank you for the information. I will check out all the platforms you have noted and will see if any of them are for me. I'm looking forward to leaving fb or ig or twitter and spending more time in "profitable" platforms. Thanks again! Salute!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm glad you liked it! Enjoy your stay in the crypto world!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Excellent advice! !WINE

Cheers, @fiberfrau You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINE With @bagofincome.
You Earned 0.100 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 2/3 Successful Calls.


WINE Current Market Price : 1.100 HIVE

Looks like I am truly on the right track exploring the crypto universe and writing about it ...thx great read.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

And if you're not a panic seller, there is some magic waiting!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta