The Concept of Value, HIVE, & Our Future

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)


Value is an evolving concept

Which is to say, we still haven't figured it out.
Throughout history things as disparate as tulips, salt, and obviously gold have been used as a store of value. We've had various reasons for doing these, be it rarity (tulips), usefulness (salt), or just plain useful-rarity (gold) and it's worked to various degrees.

More recently, we've settled on something as arcane as GDP to base our currency off of. I think this makes sense. The productive output of a country is more intrinsically valuable to a country than any one product. It's not arbitrary, like gold.

Even GDP itself is an evolving concept. It wasn't until 2013 that the US saw R&D for the investment that it is, and started measuring it in GDP.
For reference, the modern internet was designed in R&D departments like Bell Labs, Xerox Parc, and the US government's own R&D department, DARPA.

While it's still being innovated upon, there are many wells of value that GDP still doesn't reach well, or can't. That's where crypto comes in.

Crypto allows economics to reach where our current system is lacking

Our digital age allows for just about anyone to cheaply innovate & iterate on valuable things. Be it the ability to access information (Google), our ability to drive (Uber et al), create content, or simply connect with eachother — the internet has led to small startups being able to innovate on these things, disrupt large incumbents, and become the new status quo.

The birth of Bitcoin — an innovation on economic sovereignty — has opened the door for us to innovate on currency. Which is to say: we can now literally innovate on value itself.

This leads to a world of possibilities, and to the question...

What is the most valuable thing in the known universe?

Protagoras by Jusepe de Ribera

Man is the measure of all things. If something is said to be valuable, it's because it's valuable to us.
Human consciousness is the most valuable thing to us, and willpower is how we use it in the real world.

The relationship between consciousness and willpower is an interesting one. We can observe it at the extremes.
Omniscience (the state of knowing everything / absolute consciousness) implies omnipotence (absolute power) because to know everything is to know how to do everything.

A plant is more conscious than a rock, and can do more because of it. A dog is more conscious than a plant, and can do yet more. A human is more conscious than both, and can do the most.

Willpower goes hand in hand with life itself and is an extremely valuable asset.

Hive as tokenized willpower

'Where you stand is what you see' by

People can look at the same object and see different things. In Hive, I see tokenized willpower.

(D)PoS chains allow users in the network to direct funding to things they find valuable, and therefore encourage more of that valuable thing.
Users direct their will, and capital is generated — a willpower-based currency.

The purpose of content is to provide value to people. Hive allows for content creators to monetize their content directly from people finding it valuable. It's a perfect system, and it is the future of social... but social is just the beginning.

Our future

Hive allows for us to direct our will and generate funding (and the manpower it brings) to anything we choose. It's a willpower amplifier.

DHF proves this concept, and I want to see more of it. We can create whatever we want.
I don't know what future we'll make of this, but I look forward to building it with you ⚡️



Something like that. I can't think of the word I would substitute for "willpower", but that's the one I was looking to replace.

Agreed, and I suggest that 'focus' is an optimal replacement. Consciousness & focus. A "focused-consciousness" based currency. :)

Edit: More concisely, an "attention-based" currency.

I still feel the right word is evading me.

I trust the right word will eventually be realized :)

Corrr, this is a great piece. Got me really thinking.
I love how this easily changes how I see the value (and potential) of Hive.

Hive allows for content creators to monetize their content directly from people finding it valuable

This is very accurate, that's why Hive just need more people, more minds, more eyes looking for content answering their questions and more hands writing the answer to those questions.

I agree. The people's "attention" is the main value, the main currency. And more people asking & answering is vital to growth.

Actually, if Hive's exposure and adoption is interesting to you, I recently wrote two pieces about Hive's branding, marketing, and focus on getting more eyes :)

@autocrat Great post! and, 'where you stand is what you see' - What a great picture to illustrate what is going on here! It is also a great picture that current and coming leaders/managers should pay great attention to :)


In Hive, I see tokenized willpower

I will remember this. Great quote

Some people take Protagoras' quote as an atheist statement. I believe that the universe is God, and I'm speaking to the most valuable thing within that known universe.

I'm on the OCD discord if anyone wants to find me to talk about the post.
Thanks @geekgirl for the pizza

Now that crypto is being taken seriously by mainstream attention, I can see where other crypto platforms can be exploited. Take Bitcoin for example. Financial institutions and governments have the ability to buy up supply off the markets. They can make mining farms that shut out your home mining rig running Nicehash. If it benefits them they can make Bitcoin too expensive to invest and too difficult to mine.

Hive is designed in a way to benefit those who are interested in it and actively use it. The power up/power down system helps deter people looking to jump in to make a quick buck. Which in turn helps a slow and steady rise instead of the roller coaster that bitcoin investors deal with.