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RE: The 1% Rules

in LeoFinance2 days ago

Diddy would have loved it.


Your points are exactly why travel is so important. People in the US just don't travel aboard so much (definitely not nearly as much as Australians) because the US has so many incredible sites to visit, but also because Americans are constantly bombarded with "American #1" so why would you visit anywhere else? It's wild to think that America might be Number 1 because of all these outside influences... and that it could be so much better if the population was a lot more traveled and experienced.

You mentioned it briefly, but I'm concerned/curious to how climate change will affect resources of lands... could Northern Europe/Russia become more resourceful as the globe heats up and they get less snow? Or will there be other issues affecting crops? Who knows...


Your points are exactly why travel is so important.

I have never been to the US, but I have heard they don't travel and it wasn't that long ago that, that the majority of senators hadn't been outside the US. That tells something I reckon.

Funny you should mention about the climate change affecting crops, because while we were talking (Client and I), he ate an apple and showed it first saying "It is from a colleague's garden, but they look like they have come from overseas"

While they might not be growing mangoes for a while, I suspect there ware going to be impacts on what can be grown. But, there are also likely to be some pretty major storms too as the climate shifts.