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RE: Hedged Collapse

in LeoFinance8 months ago

I like your thinking here. I really wish as a society we valued wellbeing of all and quality experiences over money. I don't think it's even that far-fetched. Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, etc are all just economic theories... there is infinite ways to execute on any or all of them - I absolutely think we could build a society that values way more important things than capital.

We admire hoarders of wealth but we could just as easily admire incredible teachers or something else. There is a reason why so many media outlets are owned by billionaires... and this is probably the first thing I would change if I could.


I absolutely think we could build a society that values way more important things than capital.

I do too, but it is just unlikely until people have suffered enough that they would shift away from what they have been programmed to support.

We admire hoarders of wealth but we could just as easily admire incredible teachers or something else.

We don't have good rolemodels anymore. People look up to those who are famous, wealthy, have global recognition - but the real heroes are acting locally in the community - unknown.

Yeah, unfortunately there are so many businesses that are extremely dependent on that programming.

As a thought experiment... I'm sure we could change the culture a bit if, say, advertising was illegal. It's wild that in Australia medical advertising is not allowed, but in the US it is... and all the commercials for drugs are constant and horrifying here. If there was no advertising would people lust after material possessions so much? Or is the problem much deeper than programming? Do people ultimately feel unsatisfied and that leaves a gap for products/services to fill?