The basic Law of Attraction that Defines Everything

The law of attraction is all about power and strategy. Power is acquired first by giving it. We give up power to our higher self, and to the universe. In turn, they become our strength, our reinforcement. Our power rests on our ability to think and feel. Hence, what we think too much about, or frequently pour our energy into becomes our reality.
Earlier today, I saw something that got me thinking about the law of attraction. And that is why you’re here, reading this piece.

Someone asked(and I’m paraphrasing): why is it that trying passionately to forget something, causes it to stick harder to our memory?

It is simply all about the law of attraction. What ever we invest or commit our energy to, festers. By making effort to forget something, we are constantly thinking of it, nudging the mind to let go. Doing this means reliving this past moment in our life and perceiving it in a negative light. We are eager to purge ourselves of it because it is too ugly or painful to remain a part of our mind. That’s a logical thing to do, as a form of self care.

The common blind spot in this situation, is failing to understand the simple concept of acceptance. Life has proven over time, that it always comes for us. There is no escaping it. It also common knowledge that the best way to live life is by facing it. We cannot fight and excel without confronting. Turning our backs on our problem either through nonchalance or active resistance is not an organic solution. To heal or win, we must face. Fear? We fight it. Doubt, we overcome it.

What does it mean to face a thing or a person?

The action of facing, suggests or implies a forward movement. When we face something, it could be to examine or understand it, touch or feel it; admire or judge it. There is always a giving of our energies and emotions into it. That is a forward movement in the form of matter. All of that applies to facing a human being. We could be having a conversation, or some form of intimacy like shaking hands, hugging, smiling, or f**cking.

What happens when we turn our backs?

Turning our backs to a person or thing creates a metaphysical wall; bridging communication and flow of thoughts. This can lead to miscommunication, misunderstanding, and other forms of mistakes. We cannot get anything done with a wall, without a connection to our point of conflict we are defenseless. Understanding leads to solutions, and the only way to guarantee understanding is to make a move towards the issue.

Trying hard to forget something may seem like a forward bold move towards dealing with it. However, it is, in fact a step in the opposite direction. Because we are putting more effort in expelling these thoughts or feelings from our minds, instead of actually facing it, and taking a walk in its direction. Either way, we are still hard on ourselves. The effect of one just happens to linger with shame and detest.

I would say to myself:

What are you so afraid of? It’s your body, you know it can’t kill you?

Come on, go ahead to think about it. But instead of mental gymnastics, listen more to your heart.

To me, there are two approaches to thinking. One is merely overworking our brains often through a loop of negative thoughts, causing a deep impact.
The other approach is paying attention to what your higher self has to say, AKA: your heart.

We say in Igbo:
Kedu ihe obi gi na agwa gi? What is your heart saying to you?
Because that is where the truth emanates from. The heart is where we go to connect.
To get a message from our higher self, we have to first feed it data. How we present our data matters.

First, we have to love and accept this data in all honesty, regardless of how it makes us feel. This will transmit an unbiased non-threatening data to our higher self. The outcome of this would reflect our state of mind towards it and manifest in a better relationship with ourselves.


My point is, you are more likely to forget a bad memory faster when you accept what has happened, accept how you feel about it, and allow your heart and mind process it as what it is - AN EXPERIENCE. An experience is not without a lesson and a ticking clock on the page.

Trying too hard to forget that loss, or that bad move you made isn’t going to give you the expected reaction. Manifest your desires differently, by thinking about all the reason why you made that mistake. Think about everything it has cost you; how you could have avoided it and what not. Be honest to yourself, and let it hurt for as much or as long as it needs to. With time, you’ll adjust and it would have lost its grip.

The law of attraction will always bring us our desires, if our thinking is in sync with its code.
The universe is here to listen, we just have to be soft, fluent and honest.

Follow me on my blog atyourservice

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