
Tying into the 3Speak infra but from Leo. And configured in a way that shorts are not blog posts but done through threads.

Interesting. Will check it out! Videos from 3speak seem to load pretty slowly and uploading is a struggle and a half(plus their max filesize is tiny) so hopefully the Leo team can convince 3speak to fix all these.

Not sure of the pull they (the Leo team) have with the 3Speak team.

We will see how it goes. There is a delay on the shorts I know. It isnt the end of the world since it is only a delay in loading, no viewing once it hits.

Yup, the uploading issues are worse imo. Modern videos are high quality and doing additional work to get it down to the 5G limit they ask for(as well as mp4 only, which isn't default format for most devices) is annoying.