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RE: Energy is the life blood of all markets!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The EU and the US have made the critical strategic mistake of thinking their dominance of intangible things - fiat money (USD), centralised finance and the media - could beat dominance of real things - energy, food, metals.

They are fatally wrong.

As we in the crypto space know, there are good alternatives to these Western dominated intangibles, but no good alternative to the things Russia dominates.

The EU is a value add economy facing catastrophic economic destruction as its key economic inputs become unavailable or so expensive production is uneconomic - $100M Russian energy creates $1Tr of German production.

Europe must abandon Ukraine and sue for peace now before it is too late. The US has thrown them under a bus in an ill conceived attempt to weaken a Russia that was no threat to the US or the EU.

Current attempts at money printing government bailout will only make things worse, leading to hyperinflation and economic and social collapse.


"Russia's fault". Time for war and gear up we have seen this play before.