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RE: Hive: the best censorship resistant social media currently available!

::Dons MAGA hat::

The reason people are that way is because the mainstream media has taught them to do just that. Not saying Trump is perfect but, considering his opposition, (our rulers, career politicians, Hollywood, Academia and more) he has done reasonable well to be assertive of the interests of the American people. Perhaps this is a major factor as to why his enemies feathers are ruffled. It wasn't politics as usual. It wasn't the wolves fleecing the sheep for endless wars in the middle east for profit of the military industrial complex. Trump was doing something different thus they exhausted every resource to paint him in the worst light possible. Yes, he is bombastic at times but maybe that was something we needed to put the wolves in check. Unfortunately, it seems it was not enough and, in my humble opinion, the future is bleak not just for America but the world.

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Although he didn't seem to do too much to limit the power of said corporations either!

But yes he was hardly their pawn!

I get the feeling Biden might be a little easier to control.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta