The purest form of the libertarian capitalist abstraction

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I was doing some reading today - the type of reading that I no longer have time to do because well, life - and I bumped into an idea.

If you are reading this on Hive, odds are you started a business at some point of your life, were part of a business that was created from scratch, or you are simply going to at some point in your life. That's something that Hivers and Lions have in common between us, entrepreneurship is engraved on our veins one way or another - this is not generalizing, that's incorrect to do, but I'm willing to bet that if you found Hive or Leo Finance and you're still here, your brain is not wired the same way as a normie brain.

I mean, we are both blogging and consuming content on an obscure, digital money-generating, anti-establishment fighting, pseudo-anarchy supporting, deep-web-money-laundering relating, taxation-is-theft promulgating, inflation-kills-economies believing, conspiracy-theories accepting, self-definition living, off-grid-mentality acquiring, revolutionary-mindset thinking, North Korean crotchet weaving, Latvian-Origami making, Norwegian Guerilla training, Peruvian Salt Water drinking, Indonesian Monkey-training, ecosystem.

Oh yeah, those in cursive are a joke, an ongoing one by the way. On every post I use this idea, I add an extra layer. If you want your idea to be featured, send me an ironic, contradictory and fun making of itself statement just like these and I might add it if it's quirky enough. Not that I am a good judge of the quirky but it's my call, after all these are my posts, not yours..

Libertarianism, entrepreneurship, anarchy... we all have a little bit of those within ourselves. This got me thinking about libertarian capitalism and what would be the purest abstract form of it.

Being a solo entrepreneur with only ideas to work with, little to no funding while making your own decisions with only your mind to steer the wheel... that's the purest form of the libertarian capitalist abstraction.

Being a Libertarian equates to being a meme

Don't fall for the meme, guys.

Yeah, being far right, far left, a centrist... it's all a meme at this point and the Ancaps are fools while there are as many political standpoints as there are genders in Sweden (that's a fuckton, in case you didn't get the reference).

Even though being political is a meme today, I still want to speak about some ideas and examples of being a solo entrepreneur with the characteristics mentioned above and how it the best abstraction of the libertarian capitalist.

You are more than welcome to join me on my useless quest of great ideas that could be developed if one had the time and drive to, while having their basic needs covered.

Remember, this is a serious topic, but the following ideas are a meme, just like being political is a meme. Just like learning to code in 2022 is a meme. Just like Russia vs Ukraine WW3 Battle Royale is a meme. Just like every single thing is a meme in this clown world*

Oh yeah, I'm not mad, I'm just being honest and crude (raw?) with this hot take. But anyway, let's get to the good stuff, libertarian capitalist abstraction ideas to fulfill in this meme world:

  • A Safe box that is connected to your Fitbit (Shoutout to @actifit! They are kicking ass and maybe someone wants to develop this) and it only opens after you've reached an arbitrary, imposed goal so people stop being fat as fuck. This works because of natural and organic dopamine influx and delayed gratification, two things our modern society lacks at all levels.
  • Rent-a-victim - Schools with a lot of bullying can rent out children to be bullied and thus, taking heat off the organically bullied kid. The rented victim would get a cut from the rent cost.
  • Take all your posts from Hive from 2021. Wrap them up as a "My Journey: Experiences that made me accomplish X" and sell it on Amazon. People will buy anything nowadays and if you market it right, you'll make a fuckton, if not, you're a published author already.
  • Get a Dog, breed it, gift the puppies to your neighbors. Become a dog walker of said puppies. Use the money to set up a Doggo Hotel for when the owners go on Holiday. Set up Vet shop (boys?) in the area. That's called a market maker back in the days where no crypto or stocks were around.
  • Learn HTML and CSS. Create 5 website templates. Personalize some of them to your GenX acquaintances and tell that the only pay you want is for them to spread the word. Get tons of clients referred by your much obliged for-free customers. The template is there, just fill it in, rinse and repeat. Charge a fee for a monthly maintenance.
  • Make real life paintings of NFTs and reach the owners of the NFT. Sell it to them for 1/10th of the NFT price. They now have a bundle, people like bundles and suckers love them. The tokenization doesn't matter, the owner most likely doesn't even understand NFTs anyway.

What do you think? Do you have anything to add? It could be a meme idea or not, as you can see, above there are both.


Oh yeah, the pic has nothing to do with the topic, but it has also everything to do with the topic, so I thought of including it so there would be a thumbnail for this post cause you know, less attention and interest with no pic, even if it is unrelated, unlike this one that is related and unrelated to the post topic.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Recently I started using PeakD's function of making collections of posts. What surprised me pleasantly was that a collection is treated as a post itself, complete with earning upvotes, though essentially I have not added anything new just grouped them together. Now I'm thinking, maybe I can make collections of collections, and further bunch them together in yet more collections of collections.

I've heard that a lot of people do this Amazon book sell where they just publish a book a month and they create a significant monthly income out of thin air (and bullshit book writing), maybe your collection of collections of collections could be profitable man! hjahaha

Sounds almost like a business plan. Though I believe some considerable PR is needed to convince people to buy bullshit books, but it certainly sounds feasible.

People are already buying bullshit books on amazon, you should see their tops sales from unknown authors, almost seems like a scam xD

Rent-a-victim - Schools with a lot of bullying can rent out children to be bullied and thus, taking heat off the organically bullied kid. The rented victim would get a cut from the rent cost.

This made me laugh and not just because it would probably work.

Hahahaha I mean, it's not that ludicrous is it? It could work given the right circumstances (and the right people turning a blind eye hahaha)