fasting is addictive. The state of mind clarity you reach is superb.
I’ve been doing 20hr fasts over the past 3 days and today my clarity, focus and productivity has skyrocketed.
fasting is addictive. The state of mind clarity you reach is superb.
I’ve been doing 20hr fasts over the past 3 days and today my clarity, focus and productivity has skyrocketed.
All the best, Eric. I love fasting too. It has great benefits physically, spirituality and intellectually.
It is definitely one of the easiest life hacks that literally anyone and everyone can do, and it improves daily life by a LOT.
So you are #intermittentfasting?
Yes ser. I used to do 16hr fasts every day for a year now, breakfast at 10, dinner at 6, works wonders. But I wanted to try 20hr from mon-thu & 16hr thu-fri to see how it went. Went well, very well.
fasting is very good for our body and the more you fast you realize the damage process do to our body
You did not eat anything for 20 hrs straight?
Yes, I have breakfast at 10am, and dinner at 2pm. There are some things you can drink that do not break fast, like bulletproof coffee, tea, water ofc and some other liquids that I don't care about.
ha ha the other liquids are not alcohol based, hopefully
hahaha no, that breaks the fast, ser!
Good to ask questions. For clarity 😆
Definitely, when you adjust a strict approach in every aspect of life... the clarity comes. Fasting is a great example of this dynamic...
I’ve been fasting regularly throughout my entire life and I’ve never found it addictive lol. That being said I do appreciate the benefits. I guess I just love food more
you drinking water na... I can't fast man, just psychologial... I am sure it improves digestion, clears system and producctivity and strenghtens your mind as well!! Good Habbit!!
It is amazing. You can first start with 12 hours fasts, and then move from there after your body starts getting used to long periods of time without food. It really changes your life.
can you exercise during fast, as that will replenish some of your energy?... or you need to limit physical activities during fasting!!
But you must fast properly... not strave, that would actually decrease productivity... you must be taking some fruits or liquid, can't not have anything for 3 days...
Oh yes, it requires you have a solid diet and plan this ahead or you will have vitamin and mineral deficiencies and eventually, if done for a long period, anemia.