Finance Youtubers? - Do you follow any and how is in this space on 3Speak/Dtube?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I follow a couple of people that follows under the finance niche on Youtube because I both find their content entertaining and also educational. I realize also that you should not follow these people blindly, since they most of the time also have a agenda since they have invested in some of the stocks and bond they talk about. But I would say that without these people and their apperance on Youtube and Tiktok, I don't think we would have the stock-market at a all-time high at the moment. They have increased the interest for stocks investing and removed some of the bariers keeping people from investing.

I for example like people like Andrei Jikh, which I actually saw for the first time because of his magic tricks, has a strategy and philosophy I really relate to, invest to keep long-term and don't follow just the hype train and he also is producing some great content.

Then there is people like Nate Nate O'Brien, who flucutates between personal finance and personal growth niche, who I follow for their commitment and ideas around money, minimalism and how to grow as a person. I couldn't do all the sacrifice he has done with his minimalist journey, but it has inspired me to atleast start looking at myself and the choices I make.

Then we have more people I would call more like "fan-boys" or reallt passionate people for a specific company. Usually these days the most hard-core people I find atleast is people following Elon Musk and all his companies, like Tesla or SpaceX.
Here we have people like Solving the money problem or financial education who both are channels I enjoy watching either way.

Then we have more educational channels and here I like icelandic investor and The Swedish Invester who has simple concepts to their videos but still is good content which I enjoy watching.

Which channel do you watch and what people should I follow on other platforms like Dtube, 3Speak or Lbry? Have I missed any other people worth follwing? And do you follow people advice on platforms or do you just relay on your on research?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


And where can I find you? Is it here on Leofinace or any other platform?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Going to check you out then!
Why are you not on 3Speak,LBRY or Dtube may I ask? :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta